You Must Follow These Four Hottest Wellness Trends in 2023

    Today, in the era of the internet and social media, there are trends everywhere. And what could be a more important trend than wellness? Everyone has followed or at least tried to follow wellness trends this year, be it entrepreneurs, any other influential individual, or common people. So, if your 2023 resolution is nothing more relevant than being well, mentally and physically, then check out these wellness trends widely followed in 2022.

    Eating Trends

    Being well is pretty much connected to eating well. What does “eating well” mean? As per the new trends, two new terms define it. One is flexitarianism, which combines flexible and vegetarianism, and the other is reducetarian, eating fewer dairy products, eggs, and meat. Overall, the main thing is reducing the intake of animal products. Most Americans and Europeans are following the latest wellness trends of eating less meat.

    Next-gen Wearables Trend

    Technological innovations are nowadays utilized widely in health and wellness. People these days are much more conscious about calorie intake and fitness goals. Therefore, wearable devices providing constant updates on your physical activities are in trend now, and the trend has emerged as one of the major wellness trends of 2022.

    These wearables offer:-

    • Blood oxygen sensor (Apple 7.0 Watch)
    • Body temperature
    • Heartbeat rate
    • Respiratory rate
    • Sleep quality
    • Health activity detection (walking, jogging, exercise)
    • Checking activity-rest balance

    The World of Psychedelics

    The world of psychedelic wellness has expanded in scope and size in 2022. Hallucinogens like LSD, ketamine, psilocybin, and MDMA, which were undergrounded, are now frequently used in the US to treat mental health issues. The psychedelic-assisted therapy has the potential to reach the source of suffering for anxiety and depression patients, making the therapy more reliable for researchers than the current treatment models.

    Revitalizing Walks

    There have also been innovations in walking in 2022, or post-pandemic, specifically. Sanity walk is just one of the different strolling patterns now. There are relaxed solo walks with no destinations and the thoughtful walk from TikTok trend where we walk while thinking about our achievements and goals.


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