Even though remote work has become the new normal, many companies are grappling with maintaining the same levels of productivity observed in the office. In fact, remote work has been shown to have a negative impact on productivity, engagement, and employee well-being.
The negative effects of remote work are largely attributed to the lack of face-to-face interaction, and the company not adapting to technology trends that improve remote work efficiency. In this article, we’re going to share with you 5 tips for helping your remote team work efficiently.
Providing access to on-premises files
If your company is familiar with cloud-sharing services like Dropbox and Google Drive, you should consider the benefits of a system for accessing on-premise documents remotely.
Although you may occasionally read that the cloud is a minor issue, the cloud as an all-encompassing answer is frequently promoted. Users gain from the IT department’s efforts to reach a file-sharing solution on the premises if you go under the surface and assess options.
File version control is simple with the on-site system. Productivity suffers when employees access and alter different versions of the same document. On-site solutions leverage the most up-to-date IT security to keep files safe while allowing users to access information. You, not someone else, are in charge of security.
Use a time-tracking tool to encourage productivity
When it comes to paying on working hours, keeping track of how many hours each worker works is more effective.
You can find out who comes to work every day, but you can’t confirm attendance. In a completely virtual scenario, it is impossible to know what happens, how long each person has worked, or what they are working on unless you have a reliable time-tracking tool in place.
Some people are exceptionally disciplined and can work on time, complete their tasks, and stay away from distractions. Most of us need to be held accountable, and it’s all too easy to get caught up in our social media.
Be on the lookout for signs of distress in your employees
Studies have shown that remote employees are more anxious than their coworkers about stress. Indeed, research by the American Psychological Association found out that remote employees are more susceptible than their peers to depression and feeling “burnt out”.
Remote employees are sometimes compelled to work alone, without coworkers’ help. They work also in isolation, leading to feelings of loneliness and anxiety. Gallup studies show that almost 60% of remote employees report they feel stress and anxiety, compared to 37% of people working in the office.
In-house anonymous surveys are a useful tool for companies to leverage, enabling you to collect a feedback report from employees while allowing them to share honest concerns.
Promote dialogue
Employees may express their negative sentiments and feel in charge when they have two-way communication with their bosses and coworkers. They may also acquire the information and perspectives they require.
A strong flow of communication between management and staff ensures that communication efforts help rather than hurt. According to Gartner research, understanding corporate decisions and their repercussions in the course of changes is considerably more important for success in a change project than liking change.
Reinforce organizational values
Many firms have established a set of values in recent years that indicate how much they care about their employees and how important outstanding lives and experiences are to them. Verify that staff reinforces these ideas.
Employee misbehavior increases by 33% during times of uncertainty. Take into account worker allegations of wrongdoing and devise measures for enforcing compliance. This promotes happiness at work, which has a significant impact on psychological security.
Increase recognition
Younger employees rated “work” towards the bottom of a poll of what adds to their satisfaction. As work/life balance becomes more important, Millennials place a higher priority on family, friends, hobbies, music, food and drink, and even pets. However, 65 percent of respondents indicated their employment is still vital to their overall satisfaction.
Personal attention is something that millennials anticipate and respond to. Sixty-four percent of Millennials would rather be acknowledged for personal achievement than a group one. They also prefer direct acknowledgment from a manager or via a company-wide statement over peer-to-peer acknowledgment.