Real Perception of Shirtless Men on Profiles

    It can be hard to come to common ground when wondering what women think regarding most things men-related. Be it what women say versus what they mean and other confusing aspects of the ladies, it can be taunting to guys, to say the least. However, women speak the truth about what men are doing wrong; all the time. The common denominator remains the physical attributes of men.

    These attributes aren’t necessarily unchangeable, just what is out there. It means men spend more time preparing themselves to look a certain way, only to realize women remain unfazed.

    When guys hop online, they greatly desire to showcase their physical attributes. This usually centers on six packs, buff arms and chests, and everything related to the torso of the male. However, ladies have come through with a few suggestions or pet peeves regarding men with shirtless profile pics. These pictures don’t elicit the reactions or responses men thought they did.

    So what do the Asian bride and other exotic babes think of shirtless pictures of men on profile pics?

    1. Immaturity

    Women find guys with shirtless display photos to be immature. The impression is that the men have little to offer. It doesn’t necessarily mean they are indeed immature. When posting such pictures, it signifies a mindset that women are only seeking such a bod, and I have just to offer. It also implies that if a conversation were to be initiated, the guy would likely have less to offer.

    2. Vane

    When you post such pictures, ladies perceive it as vanity or narcissism if you wish. Nothing scares a woman away more than a man full of himself. She feels you should keep rambling about your pecks and six-pack while ensuring you look your best, with or without her around. Additionally, a man who rambles about their pecks inevitably does this too; they spend too much time at the gym.

    3. Broke/Jobless

    If you haven’t noticed, most dudes with the ultimate body spend less time on their job or pursuing their careers. This puts off a woman immediately. If your guy spends ample time at the gym, he rarely has time to earn money. A lady would rather sleep with a dad bod and be financially secure than a ten-pack and be broke. While shirtless guys with abs on dating profiles believe their dating chances are increased, it is the opposite.

    4. Friendships over dating

    So here it is; women would consider having such (shirtless) guys as friends, companionships for gym memberships even. Part of the reason for this lies in the text mentioned above. These dudes will likely be obsessed with personal looks and attracting every lady possible. They might not be the commitment type a lady is seeking.

    5. Hookups

    A small group of women hoping for casual flings or hookups believes they would contact shirtless guys for one-night stands. This small percentage also believes they would not return calls after that. This is because such men become obsessed quickly, based on their vain and narcissistic tendencies. The first hookup might be the last too.

    Bottom Line

    Finding Asian babes online is easy but remarkably harder if you focus on body parts. Most of these ladies hope for something long-term, and focusing your first picture on abs and such parts can be detrimental. The chances of attracting women with such shirtless pics remain high, but the question remains: what women are we attracting, and for what purposes? Remember this when deciding between a nice polo shirt and exposing ripped abs.


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