NDIS: A Guide to Disability Services in Tasmania


    The National Disability Insurance Scheme (NDIS) is a government initiative that provides a range of disability services in Tasmania and support to people living with a disability. Tasmania is one of six states and two territories that have adopted the scheme, and it is now a major part of the disability sector in the state. This article will provide a comprehensive guide to disability services in Tasmania that are available through the NDIS.

    What is the NDIS?

    The NDIS is a national scheme that provides support, services and care to people with a disability. It works on an individual basis, offering tailored plans to meet the needs of each individual. The NDIS aims to give people with a disability the same opportunities, rights and choices as everyone else in the community. It also aims to provide more person-centered services tailored to the needs of the individual.

    How to Access the NDIS in Tasmania?

    To access the NDIS in Tasmania, individuals must first register with Disability Services Tasmania. Once registered, individuals will be invited to an assessment to determine their eligibility for the NDIS.

    The assessment process involves an independent assessor reviewing an individual’s medical and functional information. The assessor will then make a recommendation as to whether the individual is eligible for the NDIS.

    If an individual is approved for the NDIS, they will be allocated a budget and be able to access the NDIS services and supports. Individuals are encouraged to seek the advice of a qualified support coordinator to help them develop an individualized plan that meets their needs.

    How Does the NDIS Work in Tasmania?

    In Tasmania, the NDIS is managed by the NDIS Commission. The Commission is responsible for ensuring the NDIS is delivered by the National Disability Insurance Scheme Act 2013. The Commission also works with service providers, local government and other stakeholders to ensure that the NDIS works in the best interests of people with a disability in Tasmania.

    The NDIS also works with service providers to provide tailored services to people with a disability. Service providers are registered with the NDIS and provide services such as therapy, support and equipment.

    What Services and Supports Are Available Through the NDIS?

    The NDIS provides services and supports to people with a disability in Tasmania. These services include:

    Therapy Services: The NDIS provides funding for therapy services such as occupational therapy, speech therapy and physiotherapy. These services can help people with a disability to improve their skills and abilities.

    Transport: The NDIS provides funding for transport services such as taxi vouchers, public transport subsidies and car modification. This can help people with a disability access services and be more independent.

    Equipment: The NDIS provides funding for equipment to help people with a disability become more independent. This includes equipment such as wheelchairs, communication devices and assistive technology.

    Support Coordination: Support coordination is a service that helps people with a disability access the support and services they need. A support coordinator will help you to develop your individualized plan, find the right service providers and access funding for services and supports.


    The NDIS is a major part of the disability sector in Tasmania, providing a range of services and support to people with a disability. It is important to understand the NDIS and how it works to access available services and supports. This guide has provided an overview of the NDIS, how it works in Tasmania, how to access it and the services and support available.



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