How Can Structured Water Prevent Hard Water Deposits?

    Water is vital to us and our homes but are you aware of what type of water your home is supplied with? 

    Depending on the level of mineral content, water can be characterized either as hard or soft. Hard water is the type of water that has a high concentration of minerals such as calcium and magnesium, while soft water is the opposite. 

    Most countries supply residents with hard water and though it is generally considered safe for consumption, hard water can leave many negative effects on your home and body. Fortunately, there are a number of solutions available for treating hard water, one of which is vortex treatment that turns hard water into naturally softened, structured water.

    But is hard water really that bad? And how exactly can vortex treatment prevent such drawbacks? This article will dive into what are the potential drawbacks of hard water, what exactly is structured water, and how structured water can prevent hard water deposits. 

    So without further ado, let’s dive in! 

    What Is Structured Water?

    The general term “structured water” refers to the molecules within the water that are arranged in hexagonal micro-clusters; this can occur in water naturally or be restored artificially. Maintaining this inner structure is important for water, as it is responsible for ensuring water’s natural properties, such as self-cleaning ability and hydration.

    To start from the beginning, structured water is a natural form of water that’s found in natural waterways such as mountain springs and glacier melts. This molecular arrangement is secured in water due to nature’s water movement as it flows around and through rocks and cliffs. 

    Though this structure is initially present in water, it can be disrupted as a result of artificial treatment that does not consider water’s natural needs. An example of such artificial treatment is pressuring water through narrow pipes and multiple stages of municipal water treatment, none of which take into account the natural ebb and flow of water.

    Drawbacks of Using Hard Water

    As stated above, there are potential drawbacks of using hard water, but what is hard water to begin with? Water is usually said to be either soft or hard, and most countries provide homes with hard water. Hard water is richer in minerals such as magnesium, calcium, and iron. Though one might assume that this type of water should be favored by most, that is a false assumption, as for many, hard water can be a nuisance due to the negative effects caused by those minerals.

    Let’s take a look at a couple of inconveniences that are often associated with hard water:

    Taste and Smell

    Due to excess minerals such as calcium, magnesium as well as chlorides, the water has a more metallic taste. And with the excess sulfurs in the water, it can take on a sulfur smell as well. This can be quite unpleasant, and although it is not necessarily harmful, it is not preferable either. 

    Hard Water Build-up 

    Using hard water without any means of a filtration system can lead to limescale build-up. If you’re using hard water, you’ll notice white-scale deposits on household appliances. This is most definitely not aesthetically pleasing but more than that it is financially disadvantageous. For instance, in water heaters increased build-up can lead to decreased efficiency and raised utility costs. 


    Similar to limescale build-up, long-term usage of hard water can cause corrosion of the pipes and speed up the deterioration of your appliances. This is difficult to deal with and inevitable when using hard water. Keep in mind that unless you treat your water, you’ll have to put up with ever-increasing maintenance and replacement costs. 


    Using hard water can also leave stains not only on your dishes and clothing but also on your appliances. You can find dull brown stains around the sink, the toilet, the head of the shower, and the shower. These are difficult to get rid of and even after the removal of stains, stains will be a continuous occurrence.  

    What really removes hard water deposits?

    Hard water deposit removal can be divided into two categories: damage control and prevention. 

    Let’s dive into each:

    Damage control 

    If you already have water deposits around your sink, drain, and equipment then there are tools you can use to remove the deposit stains. The most common and effective home tools to use are either vinegar, fluoride toothpaste, or baking soda. These can be applied around the stained areas to rid the area of the water deposit. 

    Undoubtedly, this can be an easy fix but can become troublesome and a nuisance when having to deal with it constantly. And after a while, managing the stains is not enough as long-term use of hard water can cause corrosion too. So, the best alternative is to prevent hard water deposits in the first place. 


    The best course of action to take when it comes to hard water deposits is prevention. Doing so would mean removing all excess minerals and chemicals from the source of the water. There are two main options here: conventional water filtration systems and a highly innovative vortex treatment. 

    Various water filtration systems, such as reverse osmosis filters and Carbon-based water filters, can be installed when you’re facing a hard water problem. Such filters can aid in the removal of excess minerals but require frequent maintenance and change.

    Another effective preventative measure is vortex treatment. This is a highly innovative take on a water filtration system that focuses on revitalizing the hexagonal molecular structure of the water. The vortex treatment not only removes excess minerals but restores water’s self-cleaning abilities, ridding of all the drawbacks that come with using hard water.

    Is Structured Water a Better Alternative?

    “Is structured water a better alternative?”- you may ask. The short answer is yes but let’s see how and why exactly that is. 

    As mentioned above, structured water is what is considered to be water’s most natural and optimal form. Vortex treatment helps restructure water’s inner molecular arrangement and regain its inherent properties that allow water to get rid of toxins, heavy metals, nitrates, pesticides, and of course the excess minerals.

    This not only helps rid hard water of the unappealing taste and odor, but it also prevents the hard water deposits that appear due to excess minerals.

    The restored structure of the water also rebalances the natural pH levels of the water, letting it fall between the optimal levels of 6.8-7.2. These balanced levels of the water ensure that the water is neither too acidic nor alkaline, hence making the water of higher quality.  

    Structured Water for Your Home

    Considering the points we’ve covered above, implementing systems in your house to reap the benefits of structured water is highly recommended. That is where The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ comes in! 

    The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ is an evolutionary water treatment option that allows you to have structured water Canada flowing through your home, thus preventing hard water deposits. The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ utilizes the principles of vortex treatment, simulating the movement found in nature to restore the water’s micro-clustered molecular structure.

    The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ offers a simple, fast, and accessible means to achieving quality water; allowing you to prevent all drawbacks caused by continuous use of hard water. 

    The benefits do not stop there! Treating hard water is only a small portion of the advantages that The Vortex Water Revitalizer™ provides. With a single installation, you’ll experience benefits such as instant absorption, optimal hydration, improved hygiene, softer skin and hair, and more! Click here to know more


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