Elon Musk has seized possession of Twitter. He fired the company’s senior lawyer Vijaya Gadde, CEO Parag Agrawal, and CFO Ned Segal. They were in charge of the social networking platform. However, it has yet to be confirmed whether all the documents for the transaction have been concluded. Due to the transaction’s sensitivity, neither individual wanted to be named. A few hours later, Elon Musk tweeted that the bird had been freed, referring to Twitter’s logo.
Musk will take over as CEO and lift Twitter users’ lifelong prohibitions. QAnon supporters, COVID-19 skeptics, neo-Nazis, and Donald Trump are among individuals who have been prohibited from using Twitter. When Musk first revealed his plans to reverse the lifelong Twitter bans in May.
Private Argument between Elon Musk and Parag Agrawal
According to the text exchanges, eventually made public in court filings, Musk and Agrawal had a private argument in April, just before Musk bid farewell to the firm. Around the same time, he criticized Gadde, Twitter’s lead attorney. Following his remark, Gadde, an 11-year Twitter employee, received a barrage of abuse from other Twitter accounts, including racial and gender-based remarks and demands for Musk to terminate her. The nasty tweets resumed on Thursday after she had been fired. Musk’s modifications are intended to grow Twitter’s subscription base and profitability.
Musk has already indicated his dislike for ads and Twitter’s reliance on it, urging a greater focus on other marketing strategies like paid subscriptions that prevent major businesses from controlling the rules that govern how social media is run. However, he promised sponsors on Thursday that he wants Twitter to be the most respectable platform in the world.