Electric vehicles are gradually gaining popularity in the auto market because of the electric vehicle advantages. In fact aside from the automaker stalwarts, every other car manufacturer wants to include at least one model of electric vehicle in its product portfolio.
Over the years, the chances of migration from petroleum-run vehicles to power-driven ones are high.
In this write-up, let us find out a few interesting aspects of electric vehicles and electric vehicle advantages in this order
- What are electric vehicle advantages?
- What are the various electric vehicle components?
- Electric vehicle efficiency- What you must know about it
- How many electric vehicles in the US will you find on the roads?
- Electric vehicle jobs
So, let us take one sub-topic at a time.
What are electric vehicle advantages?
Electric vehicles or EVs as they are known to have become popular over the years. With the advancement of technology, the transition may not be a problem in the long-run for most automakers. Let us find out how you will benefit if you invest in electric vehicles or hybrid vehicles.
One of the main benefits that you can derive from these power-driven vehicles is that they are friendly to the environment. What does it mean in the first place? It basically means that these cars do not have an exhaust system.
As such, there are no emissions as present in other gasoline-driven cars. So, if your car does not give out emissions, there is no question of the emitted gases remaining in the atmosphere of the earth. As a result, you get cleaner air to breathe in that is devoid of pollutants.
Electricity comes for less than gasoline
It has been found that on average an American has to shell out around 15 cents for driving a mile in a gasoline-driven vehicle. However, if you have an electric vehicle at your disposal, you will have to pay as much as five cents as compared to 15 cents if you drive for a mile. So, electricity is less expensive when you compare it with petroleum or gas-powered vehicles.
Maintenance cost is low
With cars that run on gasoline, there is not just the cost of the fuel but the various parts of the car are subject to wear and tear faster. However, parts of electric vehicles do not wear-off faster. For instance, the brakes of a power-driven vehicle last longer. So, aside from spending on gasoline, you can defer incurring costs on maintenance too if you are using an electric vehicle.
In fact, the electric vehicle kwh per mile is fairly good regardless of whether it is an electric vehicle 4 wheel drive or a 3-wheeler.
Enjoy tax benefits
Many times you will be able to enjoy tax credits for investing in an electric vehicle. You can enjoy the credits due to the fact that the part you play in reducing pollution is considerable. This is because we know that electric vehicles do not emit gases to the environment. This allows you to enjoy an added advantage.
Just as we know there are two sides to a coin. These vehicles to have few drawbacks. But they are manageable and can be overcome. However, understand that the benefits far outweigh the drawbacks. And this explains their popularity in the auto market.
What are the various electric vehicle components?
We all know that electric vehicles derive their “fuel” not from gasoline but from the power that is obtained from the electricity that is stored in the battery. So, you will not find an electric vehicle with an engine or parts for combustion.
Motor, on-board charger, battery, Electric Power Control Unite, or the EPCU are the main components of an electric vehicle. These are those parts or components that you will require to change electricity into kinetic energy that will power, propel, or drive the vehicle.
What do the different parts play? Let us find out in brief.
It generates a cycle with the help of power that is obtained from the electricity that is generated. It also ensures that the wheels also move at the same time while this process is underway.
This part is responsible for generating an optimum force by adjusting the motor’s RPM.
This is that component of the electric vehicle that will help in storing the electric energy.
On-board charger
The on-board charger helps in converting AC or Alternating Current with DC or Direct Current. Remember, due to the presence of this onboard charger, you can just plug-in and charge your vehicle at any charging station.
EPCU or Electric Power Control Unit
This is an integration of Inverter, low voltage DC-AC Converter, and Vehicle Control Unit (VCU). The VCU monitors and is responsible for controlling the power mechanism of the electric vehicle.
The low voltage DC-AC converter converts the high voltage of the battery into low voltage. Thereafter, it transmits the converted energy to the electronic system.
The inverter is responsible for converting DC into AC from the battery. Once this process takes place, it is supplied to the motor.
Electric vehicle efficiency- What you must know about it
Studies reveal that very soon the auto market will be flooded with electric and hybrid vehicles. Not only will it also account for the maximum sales of car in the future. This migration is likely to be viewed the most by 2038. Although, it might appear a long way to go the transition has already started.
How many electric vehicles in the US will you find on the roads?
When we say “electric vehicles”, it might imply an all-electric car. However, sometimes, hybrid, as well as plug-in cars, also called electric vehicles. To be precise, you can rightly call it a “plug-in electric vehicle”.
Cars belonging to this segment are entitled to enjoy federal tax credit of approximately $7500. However, this figure will also depend on the type and make of the car that you are driving.
Fast facts
- Around 727,000 electric vehicles have already been sold in 2019, the majority among them being plug-in electric cars.
- As per the Bureau of Transportation Statistics, around 17 million light-duty automobiles were recorded to be sold in the year 2019 alone.
- As many as 5.4 million plug-in electrics have been sold in 2013 when the sales peaked. However, hybrid vehicles have been around way before electric vehicles did.
- As many as 32 hybrid-electric models were sold in the year 2019. Among the ones sold, the most popular were Ford Fusion, Toyota RAV4, and Toyota Prius.
- Plug-in vehicles made their appearance in the market in 2010 and more than 1.4 million were sold since.
- In the year 2018, the many electric vehicles that were sold were found to be registered mainly in California.
- From various states, in the year 2018, as many as 543,610 all-electric vehicles were registered and California accounted for 47% of the total orders.
- As of March 2020, a rule was introduced by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration and Environmental Protection Agency to reduce economy standards of fuel for all the vehicles that will hit the roads between 2021 and 2026.
Electric vehicle jobs
As far as creating jobs are concerned, the focus will be more on technical jobs that will require expertise in developing the various components of electric vehicles.
Starting from being eco-friendly to low maintenance cost, the benefits are galore.