5 Tricks to Use ‘People Also Search For’ in Google to Improve SEO

    Whenever a person needs to know or find something, you go to Google. But is Google only a search engine? Isn’t it also like an ad company that attracts users to generate sales through its search features? Basically, Google is there to show the most relevant and high-quality websites in search results. To keep users hooked to Google as their most preferred search engine, it frequently experiments with new Search Engine Results Pages (SERP) features. One such overlooked yet crucial feature is “people also search for.”

    What is “People also search for”?

    “People also search for” is a search feature of Google that helps users find more accurate results easily. When a user puts a keyword on the search bar, Google shows the highest quality web pages containing the most useful results. Sometimes the user returns to the search page soon after entering a web page. When it happens, Google assumes that the user is unsatisfied with the search results. Then, it shows the “people also ask” snippet below the previously-clicked search result. This snippet consists of other relevant keywords users have frequently searched on similar topics. There will be more than one keyword related to the user’s actual search.

    However, these keywords are similar to the “related searches” feature at the bottom of the Google search results page. Are the two features the same?

    Difference Between People also Search for and Related Searches

    Although people also search for and related searches are almost the same, there are a few differences.

    The positioning of the two is different. PASF appears just under the search result that you have clicked. Related searches appear at the extreme bottom of the search page after all the web page URLs.

    This is why “people also ask” gets more clicks than the related searches feature.

    There are fewer keyword suggestions in PASF than in related searches.

    How is PASF Significant for SEO?

    Google people search patterns are diversified and significant in developing SEO strategies.

    PASF contains keywords that come from Google’s database directly. Users frequently search those keywords to get more information about different topics. So, these keywords are important for you to understand your audience’s interests and search preferences.

    Clicking a search result and returning to the search page in a few seconds shows you PASF.

    How to Utilize PASF for Higher Google Search Ranking?

    How can you also use “people search for” to rank higher in SERP? If you have no idea, this article promises to help you.

    Keyword Research

    PASF is a goldmine for keyword research. As this data is derived from search records from Google, it is most relevant to any topic. If you can rank for those keywords, generating additional traffic and improving the topical authority of your site will be easier.

    When you have a keyword that you want to rank, search it on Google and note the PASF keywords for it. If you search with each “people also ask” keyword separately, you will get more PASFs. You will see repetition in PASFs if your keyword doesn’t have depth. Besides, you can this way discover more new search queries.

    You can plug these keywords into a keyword research tool and analyze their search volume, difficulty, etc. This process helps you uncover new keywords with good search volume easily.

    Content Idea

    You can use PASF to get a new content idea as well. Search a target topic and get the people also search for keywords. Search those PASF keywords on different tabs to access top-ranking pages. Those topics and pages will offer you unique ideas for content.

    If you generate content ideas from PASF keywords, the relevancy of your website’s topics as a whole will increase. Thus, you can rank higher for additional keywords regarding your niche.


    Adding “Frequently Asked Questions” to your content is an engaging method. It also helps you rank for multiple keywords. You can easily use PASF keywords as FAQs.

    Analyze the “people also ask” keywords, and find descriptive keywords for your topic with clear search intent.

    On-Page SEO

    Improving the strength of your site’s on-page SEO is easy when you use PASF keywords.

    You can simply use the keywords throughout your content wisely or use them in H2 and H3 tags too.

    Long-Form Content

    You can make utmost use of “people also search for” keywords in long articles and blog posts. A 2500-5000 word content requires multiple sections to be covered. You can create a long-form article using relevant PASF keywords in your subheadings and putting detailed information.


    Although you can consider people also search for nothing more than a simple feature on Google Search, its use is diverse. Proper use of these keywords can improve your website to a great extent. You can perform keyword research, improve on-page SEO, find new ideas, and meet other SEO goals with it.


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