How Can Call Tracking Help Your Small Business?

    When it comes to small businesses, customer engagement is vital. Even the smallest change in the customer experience can significantly impact your business’ performance. Small businesses often thrive the most when they effectively interact with all their customers and continuously alter their marketing strategies to meet customers’ needs.

    Whether you want to remain a small business or you have plans to grow, improving your customer engagement is always essential. Done correctly, this can see your business bring in elevated sales, greater lead generation, and a more rewarding Return on Investment (ROI).

    One of the most efficient ways of bringing this engagement to your small business is to use call tracking. 

    Read on to explore what call tracking is and how it can greatly benefit your small business.

    What is call tracking?

    Call tracking involves the use of software, which collects multiple forms of data from customer calls. This data can be vast, including the ability to see every touchpoint made in a customer journey before a call, whilst the call is active, and after the call too. 

    Also, call tracking can provide an in-depth analysis of call conversations, highlighting any keywords used and recording and transcribing these conversations for evaluation.

    This highly useful software can be great for understanding exactly how and why customers are engaging with your small business. Once you have this data, the opportunities for development and growth are endless. 

    To get the most out of call tracking, ensure that you use a trusted, expert provider – such as investing in Mediahawk, for example.

    How can call tracking benefit your small business?

    Making call tracking a key component in your small business can open up a wide range of benefits. These can include, but are not limited to:

    • Greater understanding of customer journeys

    Call tracking can help you gain a strong grasp of your customers’ journeys. Being a small business, every single customer is crucial, so you must make sure all aspects of your marketing are designed to streamline engagement with your business.

    This software will allow you to see detailed data on every touchpoint a customer interacts with before calling, as well as during and after. This will confidently show the main areas which are attracting customers and moving them down the engagement funnel, as well as those that aren’t. 

    In response, you can ensure that you’re investing strategically to magnify the effectiveness of certain touchpoints and reserving unnecessary spending on less useful ones.

    This will not only cause your business to receive a greater conversion rate, but it will also help you be more cost-effective and yield a better ROI – essential for any small business.

    • More equipped to meet customer needs.

    Call tracking will provide important data on all your phone conversations. It’s capable of recognizing certain spoken keywords and storing the information for you to analyze. This will be highly valuable in determining the main needs of your customer market and how you can help meet them.

    By identifying the main keywords in a call, you can see any patterns forming that point to the main reasons for the customers’ call. For instance, you might find customers are often calling to make certain inquiries about your products or services. This will reveal to you what customers are looking for most from your business, and as a result, you can make sure that you are offering it.

    By meeting customer needs more effectively, your small business can start to earn a good reputation for customer satisfaction.

    • Improved call experiences

    The conversation quality between customers and members of your business is also a major factor in your overall performance. Customers can very easily be hooked in or put off based on even the quickest of calls. Therefore, call tracking is certainly needed to improve these experiences.

    The software will record and transcribe all phone conversations and allow you to evaluate the quality and progression of the call. You can very easily identify how engaged the customer was, what their main queries were, and whether their call purpose was satisfied by the end.

    Using this data, you can help train your call team(s) to deliver more satisfactory conversations with every customer. With a better customer experience, you are certain to see an increase in not only engagement but, consequently, sales and conversion rates for your small business.


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