This video, we will show you something interesting. Remember the last bot we built? How about controlling it wirelessly through Bluetooth from a mobile phone?
In our previous video, we showed a custom PCB for a multi-directional bot. If you haven’t watched it, click here.
It is recommended to perform this under adult supervision!
1) DIY PCB with ULN2803 for Multi-direction Control
2) HC-05 Bluetooth Module
3) Arduino UNO
4) 9V Battery
5) Jumper Wires
6) Chassis with BO Motors & Wheels
7) Android Mobile Device with Bluetooth Support
8) Miscellaneous Items like Double Sided Tape & Connectors
Watch the Video to Construct a Wireless Control Multi-directional Bot
Steps to Follow
1) Connect the VCC of the Bluetooth Module to 5V Pin of Arduino & Ground to GND Pin of Arduino
2) Connect the Positive Wires of the motor to the Positive pins of the PCB.
3) Connect the other wires of the two motors left & right to PIN18 & PIN17 headers of the ULN2803 IC.
4) Connect jumper wires from Pin6 of Arduino to Pin1 and from Pin5 of Arduino to Pin2 of the PCB.
5) Connect jumper wires from RX of Bluetooth Module to TX of Arduino and TX of Bluetooth Module to RX of Arduino.
6) Check whether you have connected all the wires carefully in the system.
7) Connect a jumper from the positive supply of the PCB to the VIN of the Arduino.
8) Connect the Battery to the socket in the PCB. Then, you will see LEDs light up on the Arduino board and the HC05 Module LEDs will blink in succession.
Connecting to Bluetooth through Mobile
1) Download the Bluetooth RC Controller App from Play Store.
2) Turn on Bluetooth on your phone and pair your device with HC-05.
3) Password is generally 1234. If your kit came with a different password, use it.
4) Open the App.
5) Click on the Gear Icon to make Configurations.
6) Select Settings > Data Stream Frequency > On Change/Touch > OK
7) Select the Gear again and select Connect to Car.
8) Select HC-05. The Red light will blink and turn green when connected.
Further improvements will be made to this system in our upcoming videos. Watch to get all the latest updates.