What to Do When You Don’t Recognize a Phone Number?

    These days it can be a little unnerving when you receive a call from a number you don’t recognize. But if you stick to these helpful tips and insights below, you can quickly figure out whether or not it’s a call you desperately need to answer or a troublesome scammer that you should block as soon as possible!

    Check out the number online

    Putting the unknown number into a search engine can give you all the information you need about who is calling you sometimes. In fact, when people stick together and discuss their own experiences with these numbers, you can all soon discover the truth. 

    Recently, the term “who called me on 01315614532?” was entered several times on Google. Due to the information each person added about what they experienced during these calls, people were able to find out what the company was, what they offered, and whether or not they wanted to call them back, pick up the next call, or ignore it entirely! 

    Wait and check if they’ve left a message 

    Many of us don’t pick up on a call from a number we don’t recognize. Why? Because the general feeling is that if the call was important enough, or from someone we know, they’ll probably leave a message on voicemail to explain the purpose of the call. 

    Give it some time and check your voicemail. Sometimes, your instinct will naturally tell you it’s a scam just from that one message. If they don’t leave a message, then it couldn’t have been particularly important in the first place! 

    Creative ways around your uncertainties 

    Perhaps they’ve left a message claiming to be your bank or another service provider you actually use regularly. However, does the number you’ve been told to call in the voicemail match the number you usually use? Chances are it isn’t!

    In these situations, it’s always best to call the number you have on your phone or the number that’s most familiar to you. Most of the time, this creative solution gets you confirmation from the place you’ve called about whether they did in fact contact you. 

    Block the numbers that you are unsure of 

    If nothing has soothed your concerns, it’s probably best to simply block the number entirely and not have to deal with them again. Many phone companies now offer a sort of screening service or blocking service for a small monthly fee. 

    Scam callers are very inconvenient for everyone, but they can be absolutely terrifying to the elderly. Many relatives buy a phone screening/blocking service for their elderly relatives to help reduce their concerns and anxieties about these kinds of callers.

    If you’re worried check for random phone charges

    If there’s still some concern about any calls, double-check for any charges you don’t recognize on your monthly phone bill statements. The chances of this happening are pretty unlikely, but it’s worth looking into it anyway for peace of mind.

    Hopefully, after putting these tips into action and blocking the number, you won’t have to deal with any further calls from strangers bothering you at will.


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