Cryptocurrency is a volatile asset with many upheavals in trading throughout the day. As such, traders or investors believe that if they can time their trade within specific windows or time, they might perhaps get a better deal or return. However, it is a tricky move to take. Nevertheless, it does not mean that you must not give it a shot. As such, here we have broken down the time slots so that it becomes easier for you to fathom possibly the best time of day to buy cryptocurrency.
Best time of day to buy Crypto – What are your options?
Cryptocurrency is traded round the clock, 24 hours a day across the globe. Investors can time their purchases, but there is no well-defined trading time that will always assure you of the best returns. It is by a trial-and-error method that you must try your luck.
Try the dollar-cost saving method, which requires you to buy little by little over time, and this usually takes place over an extended period. If you happen to lose out on your investment or don’t get adequate returns from one trade, you still stand a chance to win some at some other time. There are no set patterns of cryptocurrency trading.
Aside from finding out which is the best time of day to buy Bitcoin, let us find out the following as well-
The best time to buy cryptocurrency
The answer will surprise you, but ideally, you can buy a cryptocurrency when you know you are ready to plunge. To control the volatility of the assets, it is best to use the dollar-cost averaging method and keep the upheavals at bay. Start slowly, and do not keep all your apples in the same basket.
Best time of day to buy Bitcoin/cryptocurrency
You will also be able to trade Bitcoin when the Bitcoin price is the best at the wee hours of the day since digital currency trading activities continue throughout the day. But if you have been trading for quite some time now, you will be able to know when the time is best.
Best time of the week to invest in cryptocurrency
If you have been following a pattern of the best day to buy Crypto, apply the same principle for finding out the best time of the week. If you find that a particular day experiences dips and the pattern has been ongoing for a couple of weeks now, invest on that specific day.
Best time of the month to trade cryptocurrency
Towards the end of the month is perhaps the best time of the month to trade cryptocurrency. It is generally seen that the values of the cryptocurrencies surge in the first ten days of the month, then there is a price collapse in the latter part of the month.
In a nutshell, volatility is one aspect that you cannot ignore or read between the lines. But if you follow the pattern and happen to continue for a few weeks, you can try your luck accordingly by selecting the day, time of the month and also come to know which digital currency is the best for your investment.