IOT consists of sensors, gadgets, actuators, and machines. Interconnected and Internet-connected devices sitting at IOT edge and upload their data to IOT cloud to perform a specific task. This is how IOT works.
IOT growth has brought in numerous solutions. Hence, using microcontrollers like Arduino IOT devices can be programmable to suffice different tasks at the same time.
Who does all these and how?
Well the IOT Engineer does all these. The IOT Engineer use various IOT platforms to program Arduino Internet of Things by making cost-effective, efficient, and optimized solutions. Additionally, from the Internet of Things platform, the IOT Engineer establishes communication between IOT Edge and IOT Cloud after designing hardware.
The Arduino IOT has provided solutions from Obstacle Detecting Robot to Self-driving car.
Few IOT solutions:
Here are a few notable IOT solutions by Arduino IOT which will show the IOT Growth over the years.
Often farmers fail to provide the necessity of crops based on its needs. Hence using Arduino IOT temperature, humidity, soil quality, crop monitoring can be done. Using Drones fertilizers and pesticides can be provided in a sufficient amount and a smart irrigation system can be introduced to them without worrying the farmer. This enriches the quality of crop growth and increases food production. For instance, Precision Farming, Agricultural Drones, Livestock Monitoring, and Smart Greenhouses are a few examples.
- Home automation is another aspect. Where based on the environment and consumer’s activity the Arduino Internet of things works. Provision is also there for manual control if needed otherwise based on your needs they provide everything. There is a great extent of electricity savings too.
Some more IOT solutions are:
- A Self-driving car is another notable example of the Internet of Things growth. Sensing obstacles, traffic signals, and other valuable factors from its environment it acts accordingly.
- Smart Vehicle traffic monitoring system can also be done using Arduino IOT. If it sees any Ambulance or Fire Brigade, it acts accordingly sensing the emergency.
- In the Health Sector measurement of Heart rate, ECG, and body temperatures can be made. Furthermore, using Robotic hands, a doctor in any part of the world can operate in the hospital without being physically present. Research on these is going on. You can guess the accuracy of these.
- We have Wearables where few components can be programmed using Arduino IOT in IOT platforms. For instance, Smart Watches which measure our heart rate, tracks our location, even tracks the number of steps we take.
- Using Arduino Internet of Things smart door locks can also be made increasing the security of houses. Drones are in use for security purposes in the defense sector.
Seeing these solutions you can guess the Internet of Things growth over the years. Many more IOT solutions are being made on the IOT platforms daily. This is how IOT works in our daily life.
Seeing the ways after knowing how IOT works you must be willing to make a few. Well, you can try out Arduino IOT as it is inexpensive and beginner-friendly and start with small projects.