The Vivo X90 Pro Plus is the first smartphone in the world to use the latest Qualcomm Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 SoC. Most flagship Android devices released in 2023, powered by the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2. However, BBK’s Vivo is releasing ahead of schedule. On 6th December, the phone will be released in China at 6,499 CNY (about $910).
What are the Fresh Features?
A 6.78-inch, 32001440, 120HZ OLED display, 256GB of storage, 12GB of RAM, a 4700 mAh battery with only an 80W fast charger, a rare signing of Qualcomm’s enormous 3D Sonic Max in-display fingerprint sensor are all included in the specifications. The cameras are also huge, with Sony leading the pack with a 1-inch IMX989 sensor. A 50 MP portrait camera, 48MP ultrawide, and a 64MP 3.5x telephoto are there. The storage is UFS 4.0, a fresh, faster flash storage standard that can reach read speeds of 4,200MBps and write speeds of 2,800MBps.
However, there is not yet a benchmark on this phone. It is one of the exciting fresh features that the Snapdragon 8 Gen 2 enables. Wi-Fi 7 support would have been welcome, but this phone only offers Wi-Fi 6. The Chinese spec sheet should support AV1.
The Layout
The layout, um, is intriguing. With a large circular camera bump, an extended corner-mounted flash, and a simulated leather texture on the back, Vivo strives for a point-and-shoot appearance. A polished metal strip with the words “Xtreme Imagination” written on it runs around the back of the circle, which is slightly off-centre and odd-looking. You can discover how this BBK phone will resemble the reported OnePlus 11 except for the metal strip. Vivo, Oppo, OnePlus, Realme, and iQOO are all owned by BBK and share many components.