Video, No: When Your Business Needs To Create More Than Just Audiovisual Content

    There’s no doubting the importance of video content to marketing success. As revealed in several statistics shared by marketing guru Neil Patel, 65% of people are visual learners; hence, it shouldn’t be too surprising that presentations with visual aid have been found to be 43% more persuasive.

    Still, you shouldn’t focus so heavily on creating audiovisual content that you overlook other forms of marketing material with the potential to be more effective than you had initially expected. Here are a few reasons why plumping just for video could (metaphorically) kill the marketing star…

    Is Video Content Effective? Of Course, It Is!

    There are certain ideas that your business could struggle to portray – or at least in a comprehensible and easy-to-digest way – without using the video medium. Also, simply including the occasional snippet of video footage on your online marketing channels shows that you are willing to go the extra mile with your marketing output.

    The proof of the pudding, however, is in the eating – or, it could be said in this case, the watching. One study, including video footage on a landing page, boosted conversions by 86%. It all makes sense when you stop to consider that 90% of all information reaching the brain is visual. 

    However, video is far from the only visual medium you could utilize in your marketing efforts. Dipping into other types of visual content – think the likes of photos, logos, infographics, memes, and screenshots – could help you to elevate your marketing campaigns

    How Static Imagery Can Work Well In Your Publicity Drive  

    It’s probably not the most revelatory claim we could make, but images do render an article more compelling when scattered across it, breaking up the body of text in the process. As marketer Jeff Bullas has noted, adding images to an article can increase the views it gets by 94%. 

    Meanwhile, infographics can be good for depicting otherwise complex information in an easy-to-follow manner. As for memes, those are highly shareable on social media, where they can inject a degree of humor into a marketing persona that might be threatening to become too stuffy.

    If your company sells software, then posting a few screenshots of it could assist you in showing your audience how it works and backing up what you claim about the software in your textual content.

    How A Webinar Can Tie Various Forms Of Marketing Together  

    Now, at this point, you might be thinking: “What is a webinar?” One succinct but accurate definition comes from TechFunnel, which describes a webinar as “a web-based meeting or seminar that can take place over the internet without any geological boundaries or time zone.”

    While webinars can indeed have a strong audiovisual element, you can include various other types of content in them, too – such as by putting those above-mentioned images onto digital presentation slides and polling the webinar attendees on a range of subjects. 

    It’s all especially viable if you remember to use a webinar platform from a reliable brand in this specialist area, like ON24.


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