Employers have a critical role when inducting an individual employee or a group they recruited and invited to join the organization. The phase of inducting new employees, known as the onboarding process, can be of various duration as deemed fit for familiarizing the new inductees with the organization. The onboarding process consists of training the employees about their roles as they gradually learn about the organization in detail. The new entrants come to know about the company philosophy, culture, vision, and mission that lend clarity about contributing to the organization by playing their role well. The proper onboarding process inspires the employees to give their best and be proud of the organization. The onboarding process includes various onboarding activities that act like ice-breakers while welcoming the new employees.
On and off-site onboarding activities for new hires
Now that the pandemic has made remote working a standard practice, the onboarding ideas have also shifted from the traditional on-site environment to the virtual one. Advanced technology and high-speed internet connectivity make it easy to implement virtual onboarding programs seamlessly while maximizing employee engagement. Proper onboarding contributes immensely to retaining employees, and organizations must especially take care of the millennial workforce during onboarding. They have high expectations and are impatient, but they can do amazing things by dealing with pressure and managing chances effectively when handled correctly.
Here are some onboarding ideas that are fun while delivering value to the organizations and employees alike.
One word game
It is essential to allow the new employees some space and encourage them to feel comfortable in the new environment before rolling out the onboarding process. One of the activities that organizations commonly choose to get the ball rolling is the One Word Game, an effective ice-breaker. Give the new hires an opportunity first and present their initial view about the company.
Assuming that all new hires have done some research about the company in their way and gathered some information before being there, they have formed some impression or opinion about the company. Ask them to describe the company’s culture or the company as a whole in one word.
It helps employers gather insights about the new employees’ thoughts and gauge their interest levels, opinions, and the kind of expectations they have about their new job. This activity is suitable for on-site and virtual boarding through Zoom and other media.
Discussion topic shuffle
It is one of the most preferred activities games during a virtual onboarding process. The company executive implementing the program will convene a Zoom meeting inviting the new employees. The employees will be given a few questions to provoke the new employees to start talking on any chosen topic. First, the host will form some teams or groups, and the teams will be assigned breakout rooms while allowing the teams to mingle. They will work their way across the rooms while regrouping their initial squad. The activities culminate in widespread interaction between everyone overriding the teams.
The activity provides an immersive experience for the new employees who engage closely due to the timed rooms and keep the conversations flowing. The exercise helps the new employees familiarize themselves while the management gauge how they perceive the company.
Two truths and a lie
Two Truths and a lie is a classic onboarding game mainly used during in-person onboarding, but it can be adapted for virtual onboarding with a few tweaks. Each new employee must brainstorm and state three facts of their lives, of which two are true, and one is a lie. All other participants take their turn to guess which statement is a lie. Create the right environment for the game by getting the flock together and exchanging a few light-hearted conversations to make everyone feel at ease. The fun and enjoyable game are among the well-known group games activities that allow the team members to learn about their teammates and lead to deeper bonding.
The purpose of the onboarding activities is to familiarize the new employees with the organization and develop kinship and understanding between them as they sail toward the same destination.