strong mind


    Healthy Life & Strong Mind: Mood Cheering Tip

    Kiara Dawson
    “Feeling low? Put on a smile to bring back the glow!” There are times when we feel a little bit low or somehow due to...
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    Healthy Life & Strong Mind: Decision-Making Tip

    “Struggling with too many options? Cut them to fewer choices!” Isn’t it overwhelming to have too many options? Well, we all know that never goes...
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    “So many things yet so little time? Create a table out of your mind!” Well, this is a really good tip for anyone having time...
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    Healthy Life & Strong Mind: Boost Confidence Tips

    “Timid and uncertain about yourself? Pose right to boost your inner self!” Sometimes a feeling of uncertainty, incapability was over ourselves whether personnel or personal...
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    Healthy Life & Strong Mind: Sadness Management Tips

    “Gripping SAD-ness affecting daily chores? Take a walk during the daylight course!” SAD (Seasonal Affective Disorder), more than the winter blues that last mainly for...
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    Healthy Life & Strong Mind: Stress Management Tips

    “Too much stress to handle? Write your thoughts on a paper bundle!” Stressor 1…Stressor 2…Stressor 3…Stressor 4 Mental stress is common nowadays. So jot down the...

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