Changing your country on Amazon isn’t something you want to skip, to be sure, whether you’ve just moved or are seeking the right products and services for your current place. If you want to proceed, log in to your Amazon account first, which is readily available. Then go to the “Accounts and Lists” section. Once you’re at it, quickly browse up ‘Preferences.’ From there, select ‘Change country or region’ that appears under the ‘Preferences’ menu. To make the change, simply click on ‘Change’ after you’ve been prompted what’s up next, which involves entering your new address. Click ‘OK’ upon validation. And that’s all there is to it. It is important for you to know how to change Amazon country. Changing your country across regions affects pricing, available products, and more, but don’t forget, especially you might encounter an inconvenience like changes in Amazon Prime subscriptions. Also, it’s important that you also change your payment methods and shipping address. It’s not challenging; adding a little more sunshine to your Amazon shopping takes some effort, but understanding what to do is easy. If you deal with any issues, there’s a nimble and helpful Amazon customer service team always on standby to assist you should you need to switch around on the account settings.