It’s been 18 months since the initial lockdown measures and life is slowly but surely returning to normal. One thing that changed was office workers were sent home to do their jobs remotely. We found that productivity did not decrease. In fact, people were more productive at home with all the tools and comforts at their disposal. As people return to the office, they will take with them what they know. One of the areas that can greatly be improved is the conference room. Whether you’re going to a brand new office or are returning to where you used to work, here are five tools for your conference room.
LED White Boards
A great product for a conference room is an LED whiteboard. These whiteboards can be interactive and may even connect to the internet. It’s a great way to save space and have the ability to engage with coworkers in new ways. Not only do interactive whiteboards offer new ways to communicate effectively, but they also provide lights that keep people’s attention. These boards have become so popular that the market for them will reach 4.29 billion in 2020.
Meeting Table
Of course one of the most important tools for the conference room is the meeting table. These tables come in a wide variety of shapes and sizes. It should satisfy two things. It should provide enough room for everyone who attends the meetings as well as their computers and other resources that you need. Think about the size of the room and how many people typically attend meetings. Then you can decide on the length, width, style, and shape of your conference meeting table.
Are you doing presentations in your conference room? While a projector might do, it is also helpful to have monitors in your conference room. Nowadays you can even put screens on the walls if you are so inclined. Keeping multiple monitors in the conference room will help people pay attention and avoid straining their necks to see the presentation. When you’re presenting a video or a PowerPoint presentation, good-quality monitors are a great idea.
Remote Conferencing Technology
Since there will still be people working from and remotely, having video conferencing technology is compulsory. We’ve already talked about the monitors, but to be able to conference with people off-site you should have some cameras and microphones. If there are multiple in the room who need to speak to people who are remote, you will need some good mics. Then, finally, you will need the conferencing software. If everyone is on Zoom or another platform, it also makes meetings easy to record.
Office Chairs
One of the most important things in the office, and this includes the conference room, are the office chairs. Think about how much time you spend on these chairs. You want them to be comfortable and supportive. Sitting straight is absolutely necessary. When it comes to how much you are sitting in a chair every day, take care of your body and the body of others by investing in high-quality office chairs. It’s not a great idea to buy this item because it comes with the wear. Instead, stock your conference room with brand new office chairs that support your employees. It will help everyone in the room pay attention and sit down for longer conferences.
After a long time working at home, adjusting back to the office won’t be the easiest thing in the world. Still, it shouldn’t be overly difficult either. It’s time to improve what we do in the office and invest in ourselves. When you are comfortable and have the tools you need to get the job done, you will do better work.
The same goes for conferences. People have a tendency to stop paying attention. If you make the whole process interactive and comfortable, with everything you need in the room, you will have more productive and pleasant conferences. If the last 18 months have shown us anything it’s that we work better in a comfortable environment where we have everything we need. Don’t compromise when it comes to your conference room—invest in the tools that will help you and your team get the job done more effectively and efficiently.