Tips On Choosing A Font For Your Restaurant Branding

    Choosing the right fonts can prove to be a difficult task, especially if you are not familiar with this aspect of design. But never fear because here are some tips on choosing the right font for your restaurant branding.

    Choose According To Your Niche And Location

    When choosing the perfect font for your restaurant branding, you should always consider your niche and location. For instance, if you are a sushi restaurant in Barcelona, choosing Helvetica will be wrong because it does not fit the culture or climate of Barcelona.

    Consider The Type Of Menu You Want

    The font on your restaurant’s menu has a significant effect on how people perceive your establishment. Therefore, you should make sure you choose a consistent font with the rest of your branding materials like cutlery and crockery. To play it safe, simply use the same typeface as your logo.

    For instance, if the restaurant menu is vintage, then why not use old-fashioned alphabet fonts? Also, keep in mind that as much as possible you should avoid trendy text fonts because they will date quickly.

    Choosing A Font
    Source: 7089643/Pixabay

    Choosing The Right Typeface For Your Restaurant Branding

    It is evident that choosing the suitable typeface for your restaurant branding is crucial. But before you choose a typeface, ask yourself what message you want to send across to your customers. For instance, if the menu is vintage, then why not use old-fashioned alphabet fonts? Also, keep in mind that as much as possible you should avoid trendy text fonts because they will date quickly.

    Using different typefaces for your restaurant branding can be tricky, but you will never get it right if you do not take the time to research. Once you have mastered that task, choosing the right font for your restaurant branding will become easy. Check out Creative Fabrica for awesome free fonts!

    Consider Font Size and Readability

    A font size that is either too small or too big could have a negative effect on the way people perceive you and your restaurant. For instance, if your menu is written in a tiny typeface, it might look like you are trying to hide something from the customers. On the other hand, having a huge sign with an equally huge typeface spells out that you are either too lazy to write the menu or that you want all the attention for yourself. It is advisable to use a medium-sized font size.

    Do not forget to check the readability of your font and its kerning, x-height, and other typographical terms that you would need if you want an expert opinion on your restaurant branding.

    Mix and Match Colors

    Also, do not be afraid to experiment with colors and sizes because even if you make a mistake, it is still possible to correct it. It is also advisable to use the right font pairing for your restaurant branding materials instead of using one typeface for everything on your menu.

    However, when choosing the color of your font, you should always go for something that is easy to read. For example, using red or yellow fonts on a white background might not be such a good idea because they are difficult to read especially if your customers are in a hurry.

    Choosing A Font
    Source: CreativeMarket

    Choosing A Restaurant Body Font

    Instead of going for a bold head font, it is advisable to use a more neutral body font. In this way, people will be able to read your menu ideally, even from a slight distance. Also, using a permanent marker for your menu body fonts eliminates the need to change them every now and then.

    One important thing to note is that even if your restaurant font size and body font are carefully chosen, but your logo font does not flow well with the rest of the restaurant branding materials, then it will ruin the whole look and feel.

    If you want a more comprehensive selection of fonts, go to CreativeMarket. 

    Repeat The Restaurant Font

    When choosing the font for your menu, you should find a way of making it consistent with the rest of your branding materials. A good idea would be to place it in an area that can be easily seen or repeated.

    For instance, if your logo is written on the cutlery and crockery, then put it on the menu too. If there is no room for that on the cutlery, then place it somewhere where it can be easily seen, like near the entrance.

    Do Your Research

    After you have chosen font for your restaurant branding, make sure that it is widely available and has an extended license. This way, if the need arises to use the same typeface on other materials like T-shirts or cups, you will not have problems doing so.

    Consider The Type Of Menu You Are Offering

    Different restaurant menus require different fonts. For instance, if your menu is mostly appetizers and side dishes, it would be best to use script fonts because scripts are usually used for such menus. On the other hand, if your menu has more than one item per line, then you should consider using sans serif fonts.

    A restaurant’s menu is arguably its most important marketing tool. Therefore, you should do your best to choose the right font for your menu.

    To Conclude

    These are just some of the things you should consider when choosing a font for your restaurant branding materials. Once you master these tricks, finding the perfect font for your branding will become easy, and you will not have to worry about fonts anymore.


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