Things You Can Do to Help Save the Earth

    The scale of the challenges facing our planet can seem daunting, but we can all do something. Here are simple ways you can help reduce your impact, and help in the fight against climate change. Have you ever thought how to save the Earth?

    Use Your Voice

    We are the first generation to know we’re destroying the world, and we could be the last that can do anything about it. Speaking up is one of the most powerful things you can do especially if it’s to the right people. Talk to your municipality. Tell them to commit to action to protect our natural world.

    Watch the video to know how to help the environment

    Related article: You Think It To Be Cool? But, It’s Really Hot!

    How to Save Earth

    Here are the ways:

    Be Informed

    One of the best things you can do is to keep yourself informed – the more you know the better. It leaves you better equipped to have those conversations with your friends and family and the people you want to influence. Get yourself clued up on the facts, stay up to date with recent news on the state of our natural world.

    Travel Responsibly

    One of the most efficient ways of lowering your environmental impact is by travelling responsibly. This means, whenever you can, choosing a more sustainable way to get from A to B – walk or cycle when you can. Transport is one of the most polluting sectors.

    Eat Sustainably

    Food production is a major driver of wildlife extinction. What we eat contributes around a quarter of global greenhouse gas emissions and is responsible for almost 60% of global biodiversity loss. Moving away from a meat-dominated diet towards a more plant-based diet can lower your impact on the environment.

    Reduce Your Waste

    We need to make wasting our resources unacceptable in all aspects of our life.  Every product we buy has an environmental footprint and could end up in landfill. The impact of plastic pollution on our oceans is becoming increasingly clear, having drastic impacts on marine life. Recycling what we can reduces the amount of new materials we are making, and upcycling is a creative way to make old items into something more valuable.

    Volunteer for Your World

    Volunteering can be daunting, and expensive if you don’t know where to look. But it doesn’t need to be this hard to do good. Often local nature reserves or parks are looking for regular volunteers, which can give you practical conservation experience as well as helping to restore nature your local area.

    These are the small and impactful ways by which you can contribute to make your Earth better and save it for future. Keep in mind these things and make your future sustainable. Hope you learnt different ways to help the environment. Apply those to make the Earth a better place to live.


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