The Success Story Shared By Precious L. Williams

    I am different and I love it – the ambitious woman who had redefined the world of business pitching and leadership communication, Precious L. Williams symbolizes the vibrant energy of confidence, who can turn any dream into reality. 

    Precious Williams is a 13-time national elevator pitch champion, who has also been featured on “Shark Tank,” CNN, Forbes Magazine, the movie “LEAP”, WSJ, Essence Magazine, and Black Enterprise Magazine. Her present clients include Google, Microsoft, eBay, LinkedIn, and more! 

    Precious L. Williams is also the author of the Best Seller, Bad Bitches and Power Pitches:  For Women Entrepreneurs and Speakers Only. 

    Precious L. Williams shares her views on success strategies and tips, and motivation with Business Upside in this interview. 

    Edited Excerpts from the Interview

    Business Upside [BU]: How did you get your idea or concept for the business?

    Precious Williams [PW]: 11 years ago, I met a man who changed my life. I was 327 pounds, depressed, and did not think I would find love again. However, from our first date to our last, he helped me see the beauty and talent I had within. I wanted to start a company that celebrated, embraced, and held curvy women on a high level. However, I had $400 in my bank account, and no one, not my family, friends, or others believed that I had the talent, skillset, or ability to run a business. After all, I had no business training or drawing or design skills and I wanted to start a lingerie line for curvy women! What? So I went to the library to get information on starting a business and met a woman who raised $50k in prize money from pitch competitions. 

    I decided that I would do so too. I went to a small business awards ceremony and pitched my business to MSNBC, a media sponsor and that pitch got me on national television and my second pitch got me a BIG investment! I was then told to enter business pitch competitions and out of 14 tries, I won 13 times!!!!    

    Business Upside [BU]: How did you come up with the name for your company?

    Precious Williams [PW]: As a 13-time national elevator pitch champion, people would always remark “now that’s a “perfect pitch!”  They had never heard anything like my pitches that are electrifying, amazing, and #slayallcompetition!

    Business Upside [BU]: Have you ever turned down a client?

    Precious Williams [PW]: Yes, I have and still do. It’s never for financial reasons.  My turning down clients are usually for lack of chemistry reasons, or if they are not coachable and/or do not have a great work ethic. I require homework and for them to take my craft seriously. I, in turn, do the same!

    Business Upside [BU]: What is unique about your business?

    Precious Williams [PW]: What is unique about my business is not only am I a champion pitch master, I wrote two #1 bestselling books on pitching for women and as a world-class master communicator, I can create the most perfect pitches in ANY REALM. That means I am a master of elevator pitching, media pitching, investor pitching, speaker pitching, and interview pitching and have the clients and results to prove it too!

    Business Upside [BU]: How do you generate new ideas?

    Precious Williams [PW]: I generate new ideas by observing life, reading trade journals, paying attention to business news, and keeping my finger on the pulse of what is happening inside and outside of my industry.

    Business Upside [BU]: If you had one piece of advice to someone just starting out, what would it be?

    Precious Williams [PW]: “Fortune favours the BOLD!”  Whatever you do, do it BOLDLY!

    Business Upside [BU]: How do you define success?

    Business Upside [BU]: I define success as living the life I always wanted, on my terms, and creating a legacy for others to embrace their difference, their authenticity, and who they are! I am different and I love it. It took me years to get here and I am not stopping! Success means using the gifts GOD gave me to make my dreams and the dreams of others come true. Financially abundant and blessed!  

    Business Upside [BU]: Do you believe there is some sort of formula or pattern to become a successful Businesswoman?

    Precious Williams [PW]: I am sure there is but I had to follow my own path and see my dreams through.  Most people will doubt what you are capable of. So find good mentors, real business people and learn from them. Take courses in entrepreneurship and see if it is truly what you want!  Get that first paying client and go from there!  Read business biographies and see what real entrepreneurship looks like. The good, the bad, and the ugly!

    Business Upside [BU]: How do you market your business, and which method has been most successful?

    Precious Williams [PW]: I market my business primarily through social media; email marketing campaigns and most of all through my speaking engagements.  Speaking has truly blessed me to become an international professional speaker, corporate trainer, and #KillerPitchMaster.  And then…word of mouth and referrals!

    Business Upside [BU]: What motivates you to become an Entrepreneur?

    Precious Williams [PW]: Love motivated me to become an entrepreneur.  Today, watching my clients achieve their dreams and fly is what makes my heart flutter. I am a part of their journey!  I love that!


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