WhatsApp, the popular messaging app, owned by Facebook recently updated their new privacy policy. They said that the new WhatsApp privacy policy will not change the way people communicate.
Accepting the new terms, delivered in early 2021, has caused an outcry among everyone, from technology experts to government organizations. It has also triggered a wave of defections to rival services. WhatsApp says the change is necessary to help it integrate better with other Facebook products.
Watch the video to know about the New WhatsApp Policy
Can Facebook read my WhatsApp now?
No! The conversations of the users are encrypted end-to-end, meaning not even WhatsApp itself can access them. However, the metadata that can be shared with other users may be linked to the user’s identity. It’s this data the privacy policy stipulates must now be agreed can be shared with Facebook.
Why does Facebook want the data?
The company wants to be able to serve more targeted ads to people on Facebook and Instagram by also knowing their usage habits on WhatsApp, and let businesses take payments in WhatsApp for items that, for instance, were clicked on in Instagram ads.
Is the policy the same all over the world?
No! There’s a difference in the text for Europe compared with the rest of the world.
In the U.S., for instance, WhatsApp explicitly says it wants to let users start connecting their Facebook Pay account “to pay for things on WhatsApp,” and let them chat with friends on other Facebook products, such as Portal, “by connecting your WhatsApp account.” This text does not appear in the version applicable to Europe.
No matter what the WhatsApp privacy policy is, people are just going to accept it, as WhatsApp now has become an important part of daily life!