Initially, when the omicron variant of coronavirus was discovered by the scientists, every researcher and scientist thought that this variant of COVID was not that infectious compared to delta which is capable of melding with the membrane of the cell. However, starting from the last quarter of 2021, the new variant of COVID, omicron has affected the population widely. Omicron coronavirus affected approximately 90 million individuals within just ten weeks. Even it has been analyzed that omicron has affected individuals who already have been immune to the vaccines to prevent COVID. And, researchers have stated that it is more dangerous to people who have already been once affected by other variants of COVID.
More on Omicron
Shan-Lu Liu, who is a virologist and codirects the Viruses and Emerging Pathogens Program at The Ohio State University in Columbus, stated, “It’s a very interesting variant, I call it weird”. The analysis of researchers from South Africa and Botswana reported this variant of COVID that over 60 alterations, including 42 in spike protein omicron — the bristly protrusion on the virus’s surface that triggers a cellular break-in and also can enable the virus to elude antibody responses. Some of the alterations, such as alpha and delta, have been seen in prior variations. On the other hand, Omicron also has never-seen-before modifications and mutation combinations.
Key factors of omicron coronavirus
- The answer to the omicron’s higher transmissibility has remained a mystery. The spike protein, which allows omicron to attack approximately ten times as many cellular as previous forms of the virus, is undoubtedly fundamental to its efficacy.
- Hin Hark Gan, a computational biologist at New York University, stated, “In the cellular environment, it can be difficult to find your partner.”. Mutations in the receptor-binding area of the omicron lead to positive electromotive force in the fingerlike region of the protein.
- It’s possible that the omicron coronavirus doesn’t employ the same pathway into cells as previous iterations of the virus. Omicron has two main ways to enter a cell such as TMPRSS2 and Cathepsin pathway. And both initiate it by grasping ACE2.
- As omicron spread over the world, it became clear that the variation could elude antibodies and immune cells on the lookout. The US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported that unvaccinated people are most likely to be affected by this variant of COVID.
- The only positive news regarding omicron coronavirus is that this variant has a lower chance of producing serious diseases than the delta version. Omicron variant severity is high in the only transmission rate, and it can spread very fast.
The number of omicron coronavirus cases is increasing rapidly because of its high transmission rate. And it can attack people who are already vaccinated and have been affected by COVID before. Therefore, this variant of COVID is spreading fast. However, it is a bit relieved that the impact on health is not as severe as the delta variant.