The 10 Best Job Search Websites in Salalah (Oman)

    Work in Salalah or another city in Oman is possible after receiving an invitation from a local employer and obtaining a work visa. You can find a job yourself or through a recruitment agency. To search for a job and write a resume, you will need knowledge of English. The most popular vacancies in the service sector are bartenders, hostesses, animators, flight attendants, financiers, and engineers are often required. The average salary in Oman is 18,400 AED (about 5,000 USD).

    Almost everyone knows about the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, and Bahrain. These are rich oil states, where many migrant workers who specialize in hotel and restaurant business or construction aspire to work. But neighboring Oman is known to a much lesser extent, although it is much larger in the territory and slightly inferior to the UAE in terms of population.

    What is Oman?

    Oman is a relatively wealthy country, although it is inferior in terms of prosperity to its neighbors. If in Qatar, the nominal GDP per capita is 60 thousand dollars a year, in the UAE – 37 thousand, then in Oman – about 16 thousand, which is comparable to the European countries of the former socialist camp.

    Good state budget revenues and a dynamically developing economy create many interesting opportunities for labor migrants in Oman. Traditionally, citizens of India, Bangladesh, and other countries of Southeast Asia travel to this region of the world to work. But for immigrants from the former USSR, there is also a lot of interesting things here.

    Although we are talking about a Muslim country, traditional stereotypes are inappropriate here. In Oman, foreigners are very loyal (both the state and residents), have a low unemployment rate, and almost zero crime. At the same time, the public and social services sector is very well developed, so you will not stay here without qualified medical care and police protection. However, traditional Islamic values are taken seriously here, so before traveling to Oman, you should study the local culture and laws in matters of social behavior and moral standards.

    A foreigner can obtain the status of a resident of Oman based on employment in the state. However, before moving, you should pay attention to local traditions and mentality, as well as a hot, humid climate. Go to, if you want to know more about how to find a job in Oman, what vacancies are in demand, and what is needed to obtain a resident visa for employment.

    Jobs in Oman for foreigners

    Moving to Oman follows the traditional pattern: finding an employer, work permit, work visa, residence permit, etc. With this, numerous employment agencies specializing in the Gulf region can help you.

    The average level of wages in Oman is significantly ahead of that in CIS countries and European countries. A primary school teacher receives 1,250 rials monthly, which is about 2,500 euros. However, the public sector, generously financed by petrodollars, exists only in the public sector. Almost exclusively, Omanis are hired for government positions.

    If we also consider the private sector, the average salary is from 1 to 2 thousand dollars per month. The average figure is significantly reduced by labor migrants from Southeast Asia, who are employed in the most difficult and low-skilled jobs. Nevertheless, immigrants from Europe can count on outstanding earnings:

    • In the field of hotel services – hotel administrator, hostess, doorman, and animator. The average salary is 1-1.5 thousand Omani rials.
    • In the restaurant service – bartender, waiter, barista, cook. The average salary is about 1 thousand rials.
    • In the field of real estate – a realtor. The salary is about 1.5 thousand rials.
    • In the field of sales – sales assistant, manager. Of course, we are talking about expensive boutiques, not grocery stores or electronics stores. The average salary is from 900 to 1700 rials.
    • In the beauty industry – masseurs, stylists, and manicurist. The salary is about 1 thousand Omani rials.

    For reference. One Omani rials is equal to approximately 2 euros.

    Of course, for all the above professions, you need not only to be a master of your craft but also to be fluent in English and preferably Arabic, at least at a minimum level.

    These job search websites help you to find jobs

    The most relevant vacancies in Oman for Indians in 2019 are presented in the field of construction, healthcare, education, and oil & gas. Construction project managers, professors, IT experts, and experienced engineers are in high demand. Work is essentially nonexistent in Oman for unskilled laborers. For instance, only a few people work in agriculture. There are openings in the sports and tourism industries (administrators, hostesses) (and fitness trainers).

    Most of the time, Omani employers pay foreign specialists very respectable rates. The country’s official minimum wage is 325 rials ($845) per month or about 845 USD. 2019 salaries in Oman range from $1500-$2000 on average. Foreign workers who meet the requirements typically earn many times more, and pay in managerial positions frequently surpasses $9,000 to $10,000 per month.

    It is possible to find a job in Salalah on your own. For this, you need to pay attention to the following sites:

    1. edarabia;
    2. total jobs;
    3. indeed;
    4. bayt;
    6. layboard;
    7. Rigzone;
    8. Laimoon;
    9. ae.jobrapido;
    10. careerjet

    Also, vacancies in Salalah for Indians can be found in specialized groups on social networks. The applicant must prepare a detailed resume in English with a photo and send it to the email address of the company you like. An interview will follow this via Skype or Zoom. This option of finding a job in Oman is the least expensive – when contacting employment agencies, the applicant will save time but incur additional financial costs.

    Searching for a job in Salalah is possible remotely: Omani law allows you to visit the country as a tourist for this purpose. A foreigner can find a vacancy and arrive for an interview with a potential employer.

    Labor migration to Oman

    In 2022, Oman will have a population of roughly 5.3 million. It is one of the nations with the lowest population densities in the world. Muscat, the state’s capital and largest city, is home to about 800 000 people. According to some estimates, immigrants make up over a quarter of the local population. Mostly immigrants from the Philippines, Egypt, Pakistan, India, and Bangladesh. Foreigners most frequently travel to Oman in search of employment.

    Despite the so-called Omanization of the local labor market policy that Oman has been pursuing recently, there still needs to be a large reliance on foreign workers. High earnings, the absence of income tax, and a manageable cost of living are draws for foreign professionals. In addition to its uninteresting sandy landscapes, Oman boasts many exciting locations and attractions, like historic castles and fortifications.

    Oman is a modern, progressive nation with more liberal laws, notably those about women’s rights, than many other Middle Eastern nations. However, prospective labor migrants should not disregard Muslim customs and culture. It is important to follow local customs and laws. The excessive warmth, which frequently surpasses 40–45 ° C, is another factor.

    Today, many young Omanis receive a quality education in Western universities. It is gradually replacing qualified foreigners in big companies. For a foreign applicant to officially work in Oman, residents must refrain from applying for a vacancy. In addition, you need to find an employer in advance and apply for a work visa. Usually, the document is issued for two years with the right to renew. Changing jobs is generally not allowed.


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