Carrying a load on a credit card with a hefty annual percentage rate increases the cost of every transaction. Transferring the sums to a credit card with a low introductory APR might save people money and help them pay off their debt faster. Here are some of the best balance transfer cards 2022 to consider for people who want to save money by transferring one or more credit card balances.
The best balance transfer cards 2022:
Wells Fargo Reflect Card
The Wells Fargo Reflect Card is the best credit card to transfer balance because it provides a 0% APR on purchases and qualifying debit transfers for up to 21 months. If cardholders make balance transfers during the first 120 days and make minimum payments on time, they will be eligible for the promotional APR. There is no annual fee, and after the promotional deal, qualified consumers can earn a variable APR as low as 13.24%.
U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card
The U.S. Bank Visa Platinum Card is a great credit card for balance transfer because it offers 0% introductory APR on balance transfers and purchases for the initial 20 months. The APR ranges from 15.24% to 25.24%. A balance transfer fee of 3%, with a $5 minimum, will be charged to cardholders. If customers pay bills, it can provide up to $600 in cell phone protection.
Bank of America Cash Rewards credit card
This card is one of the best balance transfer cards for 2022 because it provides a 0% introductory APR on balance transfers done within 60 days of account activation for the first 15 months. Users get 2% back at grocery stores and wholesale clubs up to $2,500 every quarter. Additionally, gas expenditures are among the six categories in which cards may earn 3% cashback.
Citi Diamond Preferred Card
From the initial transfer date, the Citi Diamond Preferred Card provides a 0% introductory APR for the first 21 months on the amount that is balance transferred and a 0% intro APR on purchases for 12 months. Following that, depending on the users’ creditworthiness, the variable APR will range from 13.99% to 23.99%. The yearly cost is waived for cardholders, and it has the best credit card transfer deals.
Chase Slate Edge
For the first 12 months, the Chase Slate Edge card provides a 0% APR on balance transfers and purchases, after which the APR ranges from 15.24% to 23.99%. If customers pay on schedule and spend $1,000 in the initial year, their APR will be reduced by 2%. Cardholders who spend $500 in the first six months can get a $100 incentive. This card has the best chase balance transfer offer.
Bottom line:
To save money on interest, consolidate and pay off credit card debt with the best balance transfer cards 2022. It must, however, be accompanied by a reduction in credit card expenditure, as doing so several times is not advised. If someone pays expensive credit card interest costs, consolidating the debt using a balance transfer credit card is probably the best option.