TaskRabbit Founder Leah Busque Quotes

    Leah Busque Solivan, an American entrepreneur, is the Founder and CEO of TaskRabbit. TaskRabbit matches laborers for immediate help in cleaning, delivery, etc. She graduated with a degree in Math and Computer. To motivate female entrepreneur quotes by Leah Busque are valuable.

    • “Life is like the monkey bars: you have to let go to move forward. Once you make the decision to leap into entrepreneurship, be sure to loosen your grasp on old concepts so you can swing your way to new ones.”
    • “People with highly transferable skills may be specialists in certain areas, but they’re also incredible generalists – something businesses that want to grow need.”
    • “Entrepreneurs have a natural inclination to go it alone. While this do-it-yourself spirit can help you move forward, adding an element of collaboration into the mix can make you unstoppable.”
    • “Startups need to focus on building a foundation for their company culture early, and then they need to revisit it often. Every time a hire is made, a feature is launched, a Facebook status is updated, a press interview is given, a round of financing is raised, or a meeting is held, culture should be part of the decision-making process.”

    • “Whatever the future of social reputation online, I’m excited to dig in and help forge the path forward. Not only will embracing and enabling the growth of these reputation elements to benefit my business, but the consumer in me can also barely control her excitement.”
    • “All of our TaskRabbits go through a vetting process, which includes an online application, a video interview, a series of background checks, and then an online quiz that they have to pass before they’re activated on the site.”
    • “From my background in travel at HotWire and Expedia, the metrics that TaskRabbit is seeing are more than double at what I saw at both those companies.”
    • “Traditional models of work only let us cross out the needs on the very bottom of the pyramid – basic sustenance. On the flip side, independent employment within the network of the new sharing economy addresses our needs for a sense of community and belonging, autonomy and respect, creativity, and problem-solving.”
    • “I’ve always been fascinated by what you can learn from looking into your DNA.”
    • “Swapping out the nine-to-five for a more agile, independent working life brings with it one other huge benefit – a channel for self-actualization.”

    Read more successful businesswoman quotes from here.



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