Sweet Tooth season 2, the dystopian Netflix series, is now available following a successful first season. Gus, a ten-year-old human-animal hybrid who traverses a bleak world in search of protection, is the subject of this science fiction program.
Gus, a young child, a deer/human hybrid, and his pal Jepperd will continue in the upcoming season. The new teaser provides suggestions for what’s to come, and fans are eager to learn. Here is everything you need to know about Sweet Tooth season 2, which premiered last week on Netflix.
When will the Sweet Tooth Season 2 Premiere?
On Thursday, April 27, the Sweet Tooth season 2 release date on Netflix was two years after season 1 concluded.
Creator Jim Mickle previously shared his thoughts on the show’s renewal, saying: “It’s been amazing and uplifting to see how people all around the world have been falling in love with our deer-boy. We are thrilled to continue working with Netflix and keep up with Gus and his buddies’ incredible adventure’’.
The series’ primary cast, led by young stars Christian Convery and Nonso Anozie as Gus and Jepperd, respectively, is most likely to return for the next episode.
Here is a quick recap of the entire Sweet Tooth cast:
- Christian Convery (Gus)
- Nonso Anozie (Tommy Jepperd)
- Adeel Akhtar (Dr. Aditya Singh)
- Stefania LaVie Owen (Bear)
- Dania Ramirez (Aimee)
- Will Forte (Gus’ father)
- Neil Sandilands (General Steven Abbot)
Is there Any Trailer?
On April 17, a complete Sweet Tooth season 2 trailer was released. It provides a general synopsis of what happens in season 2 while leaving much to the reader’s imagination.
Where Can You Watch Season 2 of Sweet Tooth?
Netflix has Sweet Tooth season 2. The show’s current home will remain here as it is a Netflix original.
Season 2 consists of 8 episodes. This quantity is on par with the first season and is ideal for binge-watching.
Plot Summary
Without giving too much away, the second season of Sweet Tooth centers on a freshly mutated strain of the Sick sickness. General Abbot and his Last Men take Gus and his fellow hybrids prisoner as this threat grows.
All of this leads to a massive conflict that puts many people at risk and even results in some fatalities. Gus, Jepperd, Becky, and Wendy depart for Alaska in the last moments storyline in quest of Birdie.
It didn’t accomplish anything to elevate the stakes. Season 2 ends with a hint that the characters we have grown to know and love will have a long journey ahead. The return of road trips will bring variety in stories and characters. You must watch the entire film to learn more about the Sweet Tooth season 2 narrative.