Success Stories

    Business Upside : What's one recent problem you solved creatively?  Adam Azim : I’ve essentially come up with more than just a book and a blog and set of essays and interviews. Altogether, and when considering the body of work...
    Business Upside : Did you always know you wanted to be an entrepreneur, or did it happen unexpectedly? Adam Azim : By nature, I am very much an explorer and risk-taker. I am an odd combination of introvert and extrovert....
    Business Upside : What does being an entrepreneur mean to you? Adam Azim : It is about carving out my place and my space in international society through ways and means and methods and strategies which may seem eccentric or...
    Business Upside : What motivated you to step into entrepreneurship instead of a traditional job? Adam Azim : There was a combination or confluence of factors which led me into entrepreneurship instead of a traditional job. The preponderance of culture...
    Business Upside : Did you ever have a backup plan if entrepreneurship didn’t work out? Adam Azim : In truth, there was never a backup plan because I had no idea what I was doing in the first place. As...

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