If you’re strapped for cash, you might be considering ways to earn extra money instead of taking an emergency personal loan or getting into debt by relying on credit cards. If you’re creative and like to work with people, you should consider starting a side gig in the wedding industry! Weddings are one of the most profitable industries around as they’re built around creating that one perfect day for the engaged couple. But what side gig would be proper for you? Here are eight to consider.
Wedding photographer
As weddings are one of the most popular events, there will likely be plenty of opportunities for you to work. If you love taking pictures and want to get into the wedding industry, becoming a wedding photographer could be excellent. You would need to invest in some good equipment and learn how to shoot amazing photos that capture the day’s emotions.
Wedding planner
Becoming a wedding planner could be great if you have an eye for detail and can organize things well. You would need to learn about all the different parts of planning a wedding as it can be pretty complex. However, with enough dedication and effort, it could be lucrative.
If you love flowers and want to get into the wedding industry, becoming a florist could be significant. You would need to invest in some good flower equipment and learn how to create beautiful arrangements that will set the mood for the day. You’ll also need a wholesale floral connection to ensure you have the suitable blooms the couple wants and enough quantities to fulfill the entire order.
Cake artist
If you love baking cakes and want to get into the wedding industry, becoming a cake artist could be a great option. You would need to invest in some good cake-making equipment and learn how to create beautiful cakes that will wow the couple and their guests. Remember to take pictures of your completed work for your portfolio so that you’ll be able to showcase the variety of styles you can create.
Wedding DJ or band
If you have some musical talent, consider becoming a wedding DJ or marketing your brand as one that specializes in weddings. You would need to invest in some good equipment and learn how to mix music for the couple’s ceremony and reception. Be sure to have a few standard songs available for recommendations and offer to create a personalized playlist that will include all of the couple’s favorite songs as an upsell.
If you’re talented at cooking, consider starting a catering business. You can offer many catering services, from simple food and beverage to complete sit-down meal packages. Catering is a great way to make money since it’s usually a service that people need but don’t have time to do.
Event host
Suppose you’ve got a lovely place where couples could host their wedding, consider renting it out for a profit. Historical properties, gardens, barns, and plantation farms are popular places for weddings since they can accommodate a large party. Just be sure your structures are up to date on the latest building codes and fire regulations.
The bottom line
There are many different ways to make extra money in the wedding industry for those who love being part of someone’s special day. Just be sure to research the market and find services that match your skills and interests. And remember always be prepared to give your best performance!