R6 Ranks in Order: Your Roadmap to Success

    Platinum I: If you are looking forward to playing a tactical first-person shooting game, then R6 (Rainbow Six Siege) should be first on your list. This game is one of its kind due to its in-depth ranking system, team coordination, and strategic gameplay. If you wish to climb the ranks in R6, you need to do more than just improve your aim. You have to develop a proper understanding of the game’s mechanics, learn to communicate with your team, and master the maps. In this regard, it is important for you to understand the R6 ranks in order. Today, in this blog, you will get to explore various aspects of R6 ranks and more.

    R6 Ranking System: What Is It? 

    The R6 ranking system is known to be a structured ladder in this game, which decides the skill level of a player ranked in the gameplay. Once you complete some placement matches, you are given a rank depending on your performance. You have the option of increasing or decreasing your current rank by winning or losing the upcoming matches.  The R6 is likely to offer competitive matchmaking. This is how the R6 ranks in order for all the players to be determined. 

    What Factors Impact the R6 Ranks in Order?

    There are several factors that decide your rank in the gameplay of Rainbow Six Siege. 

    Match Results impact the R6 Ranks in Order

    Losing or winning a game impacts your ranking in this game.

    Personal Performance impacts the R6 Ranks in Order

    Apart from your team’s victory, your personal performance is another essential factor that influences your ranking in this game. If you perform well, your rank will improve else it will fall. 

    Opponent’s Rank impacts the R6 Ranks in Order

    If you can defeat a higher-ranked opponent, then your rank gain will be significantly higher. On the other hand, you will have a greater drop while losing to a lower-ranked opponent. 

    Hence, while playing this, you are supposed to consider all these aspects in order to improve your R6 ranks in order. 

    All the R6 Ranks in Order

    Copper (I-V)

    This is the starting ranking point for the players playing Rainbow Six Siege. The Copper ranking is given to the players who are starting to play this game. It has five subdivisions, Copper V, IV, III, II, and I, where Copper V is the lowest rank. When you perform better, your rank also improves from Copper V to IV and so on. In general, the gameplay at these levels is more casual and organized. 

    1800 – 1999 MMR: Copper I

    1600 – 1799 MMR: Copper II

    1400 – 1599 MMR: Copper III

    1200 – 1399 MMR: Copper IV

    0 – 1199 MMR: Copper V

    If a player wishes to improve their rank, they need to know about the maps, strategies, and operators. You are also required to improve your communication and overall teamwork while playing this game.

    Bronze (I-V) – R6 Ranks in Order

    The players who finish playing the basic levels and understand the basics well are ranked to this level. Similar to Copper, this ranking level also has several sub-levels consisting of Bronze V, IV, III, II, and I. When players are ranked to this level, they understand the game better. This is how they make better strategies to win matches here. 

    2800 – 2999 MMR: Bronze I

    2600 – 2799 MMR: Bronze II

    2400 – 2599 MMR: Bronze III

    2200 – 2399 MMR: Bronze IV

    2000 – 2199 MMR: Bronze V

    When you reach the bronze level, you will be able to have better coordination. It lets you develop better map awareness and ensure a better team composition. But a lot of players make mistakes at this level, too. Inconsistencies are there to plague the players, too. 

    Silver (I-V)

    The players at this level have better skills and experience playing this game. They can coordinate as a team better. Silver rank is the stage where most of the players tend to become serious about their gaming. This is when their real competitive nature comes into play. 

    3800 – 3999 MMR: Silver I

    3600 – 3799 MMR: Silver II

    3400 – 3599 MMR: Silver III

    3200 – 3399 MMR: Silver IV

    3000 – 3199 MMR: Silver V

    The Silver-ranked players have better knowledge of operator mechanics and map control. Different players with varying skill sets get placed in different sublevels of this ranking system, such as Silver I, Silver II, and Silver III. 

    Gold (I-IV) – R6 Ranks in Order

    When the Silver-ranked players make significant improvements in their gameplay, they are brought to the Gold-ranking level. This is considered a major jump. Gold is the 4th R6 rank, which is where the gameplay becomes very competitive. Hence, the players are also required to put in their best effort to win. They need to show precise gunplay, map knowledge, and good teamwork to succeed. The four sub-levels of the Gold ranking level are described below. 

    4600 – 4799 MMR: Gold I

    4400 – 4599 MMR: Gold II

    4200 – 4399 MMR: Gold III

    4000 – 4199 MMR: Gold IV

    Compared to other levels, the Gold-ranked players have better coordination ability. They utilize different gadgets, such as drones, and communicate properly to have an edge over their opponents. The players who wish to reach the next level of Gold need to be extremely skilled and competent to beat their opponents along the way.

    Platinum (I-III)

    This is the ranking stage where the competition becomes ever more fierce and intense. When progressing to this level, the skills of the player get refined. They demonstrate better team synergy, operator usage, and superior map knowledge. This ranking tier is divided into three sub-tiers: 

    5200 – 5499 MMR: Platinum I

    5000 – 5199 MMR: Platinum II

    4800 – 4999 MMR: Platinum III

    The Platinum-ranked players exhibit high-level expertise and mechanics while playing the game. But if you make mistakes, you will be quickly punished. Reaching the Platinum level deems a player to be highly skilled and expert. Upon reaching this stage, you will have to master your role in the team. It is also important to know how to execute well-coordinated strategies to proceed in the game further. 


    Once you enter this level, then you should be ready to face fierce competition from your opponents. The Diamond-ranked players are considered extremely skilled. After putting in hundreds of hours of playing, they get to progress to this level with refined strategies, map awareness, and mechanics.

    Diamond: 5500 – 5999 MMR 

    You are deemed as the best when you reach this ranking level. Diamond is among the best R6 ranks in order. Apart from skills, you also need to have detailed game knowledge and consistent teamwork to reach this stage. 


    Champions is the highest-ranked level in Rainbox Six Siege. This is the level where the best of the best players sit. Only the elite players are capable of reaching this stage. Even when you reach this level, you are supposed to keep playing and winning to maintain your rank, or else you will be sent back to the lower levels.

    Champion: 6000+ MMR

    Only the best 999 players are allowed to progress to this level globally. With a deep understanding of the game, amazing communication, and better mechanics, the players at this stage become the absolute champions. This is why only a handful of players from all around the world can make it to this level. 

    Tips to Improve Your Rank

    It is not that easy to climb R6 ranks in order. You need to show teamwork, effort, and dedication to improve your rankings. Some of the tips that you should follow are described below. 

    Know the Map Well

    You should know the map of the game very well to have a better understanding of various attack/defense routes, key choke points, and map layouts. It gives you an edge over your competitors. 

    Communication is Crucial

    It is important for you to ensure proper communication with your teammates. Coordinate with the teammates, highlight if traps are set, and call out the enemy positions, etc. This will enhance your chance of winning. 

    Adapt Your Playstyle

    You must adapt to a specific playstyle. The more you play, the better you will get at it. Aspects like good positioning, patience, and smart plays play a crucial role in this regard. 


    While playing the Rainbow Six Siege game, you are supposed to know about the R6 ranks in order. This is how you would get a comprehensive idea of this game. It will help you better propagate through the game. Once you start playing this game, you get hooked on it. So what are you waiting for? Start playing Rainbow Six Siege today. You should explore more information on R6 ranks in order.


    What are Siege Ranks?

    Ans: The Siege Ranks come under a ranking system in the Rainbow Six Siege game, which categorizes the players based on their performance and skills.

    How Do R6 Ranks Work?

    Ans: The ranks in siege are determined by MMR (Matchmaking Rating), which gets decreased or increased based on losses or wins.

    Should You Know about Rainbow Six Ranks?

    Ans: You must know about the Rainbow Ranks before playing this game.

    Which is the Highest Level in Siege Ranks in Order?

    Ans: The Champion has the highest R6 rank out there, whereas only the elite players sit. 

    What is the Purpose of Rainbow Six Siege ranks?

    Ans: The ranking system has been designed to ensure balanced matchmaking by putting players against other players with similar skill levels. This method is followed in all R6 ranks.


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