The arrival of the digital age led many to predict the death of print marketing, but print is back and it’s here to stay, with statistics indicating that marketing campaigns that combine print and digital advertising have a 400% effectivity rate. Many people still wish to consume printed material leisurely, and not all of them are Gen-Z or boomers. In fact, around 85% of people aged under 25 read magazines, and 82% of consumers place the greatest trust in print ads when it comes to making a purchase. Why is print marketing going so strong and what are the advantages of making it part of your strategy?
Print and digital marketing are linked
Readers who view print ads tend to follow this encounter up with a visit to the advertiser’s website, with print serving as a taster that piques readers’ curiosity. Savvy companies are dreaming up new ways to integrate both types of marketing, For instance, IKEA broke new ground by marrying physical print catalogues to AR technology, so people could see how specific items would look in their homes. Combining direct mail with digital ads boosts conversion rates by 28%, according to a Data & Marketing Association report. As stated by, printed material, whether in the form of brochures, flyers, or inserts, enables companies to provide consumers with scannable QR codes. These codes can provide consumers with vital product information that they can check out on their phones, which brings printed material into the realm of mobile technology.
Top brands are prioritizing print marketing
Savvy businesses are making the most of print marketing, with some embracing print on a grand scale. An example is the Louvre in Abu Dhabi, the first universal museum to launch in the Arab world. In order to foster museum culture, the Louvre launched a campaign comprising billboards placed along the highway that goes from Du Bois to Abu Dhabi. This once-boring drive was filled with color and life, thanks to works by artists like Van Gogh and Da Vinci. Other brands that have launched super successful print ads include Kiwi Shoe Polish, Burger King, and Spotify.
Human beings love print
Printed book sales are on the rise, with research showing that reading comprehension and retention rates are better with printed material. As stated by Elsevier Psychology academic, Mark Horn, when you read a book, you sometimes recall the physical location of words or passages. Reading a printed book integrates verbal and spatial memorization, states Elsevier Psychology’s Mark Horn, adding that printed material has further appeal: it has a ‘flawed quality’ that digital works cannot express. Reading a printed book involves the senses of sight, touch, and smell. For readers of old-style books, nothing beats the smell of a book that is opened for the first time or one that has taken on the unique aroma of a room it has aged in.
Printed material engages more senses than digital words, though this is just one reason why printed material has its place in the digital age. The ability of print to integrate with digital strategies is another vital reason why, instead of being replaced, it is the perfect complement to new technologies. The success of print marketing can be gleaned and emulated by checking out campaigns of some of the best-known companies, all of which are standard-bearers in their respective industries.