When you start a small business, you have to think of all the little factors that could affect the success of your business. Not only is the product you create a big part of how well your business does, but you also have to package that product the right way. If you’re looking for packaging tips as a new small business owner, here are seven quick tips to help you out.
1. Fit the Product
It can be tempting to get fancy with packaging when you’re playing around with Photoshop but don’t forget that creating packaging that fits the product is the most important thing. Effective product packaging shouldn’t be way bigger than your product unless it has to be to accommodate padding to protect the product. Smaller packaging can save you a lot of money on large-volume shipments.
2. Choose Your Words Carefully
The words on your product packaging are one of the first things customers will see, so choose those words carefully to represent your brand. You don’t have to plaster words and warnings all over your product packaging; a few simple words can help explain your product and draw attention from customers. You can even hire a proofreader and writer to help you find the perfect phrases or words for your packaging.
3. Test Packages
Designing the perfect product packaging is a difficult process that involves a lot of trial and error, so make sure you have a package testing facility where you can evaluate the strength and structural integrity of your package. You need to make sure your package can withstand drops, environmental conditions, and other stresses it may face as it goes through the distribution and delivery process. Thorough package testing is the best way to create reliable product packaging.
4. Focus on Fonts
Fonts are a big part of how your packaging looks, so play around with some different fonts to find one that fits your product. You can find affordable font packages online and even some that are free, but it’s important to make sure those fonts are approved for commercial use. The last thing you want is to get in trouble for using a font you weren’t allowed to use.
5. Colors Matter
Colors can really help attract the eyes of customers, so read up on the psychology of colors and pick the ones that fit your brand. While bright colors are a great way to draw attention, you might want to go with simple blacks, browns, and whites if you’re selling a high-end product. You can find tons of great examples of product packaging with a quick Google search.
6. User-Friendly Packaging
Customers care about your packaging almost as much as they care about your product. In some cases, hard-to-open packages can even cause customers to damage the product inside. When you’re designing your product packaging, focus on making it user-friendly. You want your customers to be able to access your product easily, so they can have a positive experience.
7. Go Eco-Friendly
Protecting the environment is a top priority in today’s world, so make sure you’re doing your part with eco-friendly packaging. Using recycled materials and reducing the amount of packaging you use can help save the environment while saving you money, so it’s a win-win. Plus, your customers will appreciate knowing you put in the extra effort to create eco-friendly packaging, and some customers may choose your product over alternatives simply because of that fact.
Owning a small business means putting a lot of time and effort into making sure that the business succeeds. From your business plan to your product packaging, there are a lot of factors that go into that. If you want to create the best product packaging, make sure you follow these tips.