Long Head Tricep Exercises and Its Meaning in Our Lives

    Long head tricep exercises are good in all ways if you are someone who is looking forward to bringing in a lot of changes in your arm. Arms are known to be a very important part of the human body, and making them look good is possible by implementing long head tricep exercises. Your body, by all angles, means, and attributes is a temple, and the triceps are known to be the beautiful inscriptions that every temple has. Thus, keeping this in mind, you must indulge in a lot of exercises, mainly that which include tricep exercise which is best tricep exercises. Doing so will help your tricep muscle gain and thus be right in the way you manifest it to be.

    Tricep workouts on a large scale are known to be extremely beneficial for the arms not only structurally but also healthwise. This is because moving your arms on a daily basis, especially in the mode of exercise, does and brings in a lot of scope for muscle development. Also, the level of long head tricep exercises differs from the level you are at right now in terms of exercising. This is totally important because long head tricep exercises are known to be very hectic as well. Furthermore, if you are not doing it level-wise, then its effects may be seen in your body very late.

    This is why knowing the level of every tricep exercises you indulge in is important. Also, remember that a tricep workout in all forms is good. It is the best tricep exercises. However, you must know the limit, too, when you do such tricep cable workouts. Remember that excess of anything may lead to dangerous consequences. Thus, indulge in a healthy amount of exercising with good tricep workouts and get the best of all workouts for triceps which you need for your arms upliftment.

    Why are Long Head Tricep Exercises Important?

    Long head tricep exercises are extremely important in all forms and you must know the scope which long head tricep exercises have in particular, is not limited. This is because tricep long head exercises not only make arms stronger but also help the body be fit too on a large basis. The body needs to be fit in order for you to operate in a very good state. Thus, by all means, you must pay special attention to every part of you, along with the tricep. This will help you bring in added focus and do your best when you are indulging sincerely in a triceps workout.

    One of the first compelling reasons behind indulging in a triceps workout is that you will have an increased rate of muscle growth. The triceps are known to comprise two-thirds of your upper arm mass. To add up, you must know that the long head is the largest of the three. When your arm is hanging at your side, like it does most of the time, it is the long head that really fills out your t-shirt sleeve. So, if you’re someone who is after bigger triceps, then you must not give up on focusing on working the long head makes sense.

    Another point that highlights the importance of triceps workouts is to emphasize greater pressing strength. When you press anything away from your body, you know that it is compulsory for you to extend your elbows. This is an essential need and the reason is because the primary muscle which is involved in elbow extension is the triceps. The elbow is a hinge joint. Plus, you must know that all three triceps heads are inserted at the elbow. This happens when you are working all three heads while you are pressing on a weight.

    Also, because the long head is the largest of the three, one is bound to have an overflow effect on every pressing exercise you do. This happens essentially when you are indulged in doing targeted work for that head. Thus, from this, you can understand that doing targeted long head triceps exercises will be of great help to you. This is because it will extensively improve everything from your bench to your overhead press.

    Another advantage is the best of all, as the workout brings out enhanced shoulder stability. The long head of the triceps is known to have its origin under the shoulder socket. Therefore, this gives you the idea that, unlike the other two heads, it is quite good. This is because it stabilizes the shoulder joint. Thus, when you think of targeting the long head, you are making your shoulder joint more functional, too. Also, the best part is that you are making it less prone to injury.

    Eleven Long Head Tricep Exercises for You

    Given below are eleven long head tricep exercises for you. These will help you be fit. Also, if you are someone who has carved a goal for meeting your dream tricep. Then, this series of exercises will be of great help to you.

    1. Close-Grip Bench Press

    The close-grip bench press is defined as the best exercise for the tricep long head. This is because the close grip and “elbows tucked” position places a lot of emphasis on the triceps. Thus, this is an exercise that will help you load heavy for low volume. It will also help you go light and hammer a bunch of reps.

    How To Do It

    1. Lay flat on your back on a bench press setup.
    2. Bend your knees to 90 degrees.
    3. Keep a slight arch in your lower back.
    4. Make sure your shoulder blades are squeezed together.
    5. Place your hands right around shoulder width on the bar.
    6. Unrack the bar.
    7. Hold it right above your chest.
    8. Start descending by bending your elbows and allowing the bar to travel downward in a straight line.
    9. Keep your elbows close to your body and avoid flaring them.
    10. Let the bar touch your chest just below your nipple line.
    11. Press the bar up in a straight line towards the ceiling.

    2. Barbell JM Press

    The JM press is kind of like a skull crusher and a guillotine press. It’s a very tricep-heavy exercise designed for light loads and high volume.

    How To Do It

    1. Unrack the bar, and with straight arms.
    2. Hold it over your throat.
    3. To start the descent, unlock your elbows and keep them close to your sides.
    4. As the bar travels down, your elbows should move forward instead of to the sides like they would in a bench press.
    5. Continue the downward path of the bar until your upper arms are parallel to the ground and the bar is about two inches over your throat.
    6. Press the bar in a straight line towards the ceiling while keeping your elbows from flaring out to the side.

    3. Dumbbell Tate Press

    This exercise is known to be heavy. However, it will lighten your triceps up. It is a higher volume and lighter load exercise, so think light to moderate weight with high reps.

    How To Do It

    1. Grab a pair of dumbbells and a bench.
    2. Lay down on the bench with your arms straight up in the air and your palms facing forward.
    3. Bend your elbows to the side and allow the dumbbells to come toward your chest.
    4. Keep flaring your elbows to the side as you let the dumbbells travel down toward your chest.
    5. When the sides of the dumbbells touch your chest, press up toward the ceiling.

    4. EZ Bar Pullover to Extension

    This movement combines the best parts of a skull crusher with the best parts of a pullover. This is a moderate load, moderate to high volume exercise.

    How To Do It

    1. Holding an EZ bar, lie on your back on the bench with the top of your head hanging off of it.
    2. With a close grip, start with your elbows locked and hold the bar.
    3. To start this movement, bend the elbows. Be careful not to let your shoulders move as you bend your elbows.
    4. Bend your elbows until the bar is about 2 inches above your forehead.
    5. Maintaining the same bend in your elbows, reach back.
    6. When you hit the end of your range of motion reaching back, drive your elbows and follow through by straightening your arms at the top.
    7. Do not straighten your arms until your elbows have cleared your head on the way up.

    5. Dips (Weighted or Unweighted)

    Dips are excellent long head tricep exercises and are great for beginners and seasoned vets. Also, they are a good option for bench press lockout strength in beginners as well.

    How To Do It

    1. Get hold of a dip bar attachment/machine.
    2. Start by placing your hands on the dip bar closely.
    3. While maintaining a big chest, bend your elbows.
    4. Keep them tucked in (close to your body) as you descend.
    5. Go down until you hit your end range and push yourself back up towards the ceiling.

    6. Diamond Push-Ups

    The diamond push-up is known to be a push-up variation that targets the triceps. By placing your hands in a diamond shape, you minimize your elbow flare. This places much more tension in the triceps. This alone contributes to making it one of the best long head tricep exercises.

    How To Do It

    1. Start off in a push-up position with your hands, making a diamond shape on the floor directly in front of your chest.
    2. To start the descent, bend your elbows.
    3. Keep them in their path in line with your index fingers.
    4. Go down until you can’t anymore.
    5. Straighten your elbows by pushing yourself up toward the ceiling.

    7. Neutral-Grip Dumbbell Bench Press

    This is a great dumbbell bench press variation. This will totally target your triceps. You can use this movement as a strength builder. Also, you can use this as a high-volume muscle grower. If you wish to put this into action, make sure you have a pair of dumbbells and a bench.

    How To Do It

    1. Lay down on a bench, holding dumbbells with your hands facing each other and your arms straight up over your shoulders.
    2. Pull your shoulders back and bend your elbows, allowing them to travel forward.
    3. keep your wrists and dumbbells directly over your elbows as you go down.
    4. Keep going down until your elbows are just slightly below parallel.
    5. When you reach the bottom, push your hands up toward the ceiling until your arms are locked.

    8. Rolling Dumbbell Tricep Extension

    This is one of the best exercises for the long head of the triceps to do near the end of your workout. It is meant to be lightweight with higher volume. You’ll need a bench and a pair of dumbbells.

    How To Do It

    1. Lay down on a bench, holding dumbbells with your hands facing each other and your arms straight up over your shoulders.
    2. Bend your elbows and allow them to travel forward like you would if you were doing a neutral-grip dumbbell bench press.
    3. While keeping your elbows tucked close to your body, lower the dumbbells until your upper arms are parallel to the ground.
    4. When you reach the bottom, push your elbows up toward the ceiling and reach the dumbbells back toward your ears, reaching them back toward your ears.
    5. When the dumbbells are next to your ears, drive your elbows back to the bottom position and “punch” your hands up toward the ceiling smoothly.
    6. The dumbbell path in this movement should make a J.

    9. EZ Bar Incline Skull Crusher

    This is an excellent skull crusher variation that places more tension on the long head of the triceps. In this, the angle of your shoulders, when they are placed at an incline, places a greater stretch. This is felt on the long head of the triceps. This eventually turns them on to a greater degree than when you’re flat on your back.

    How To Do It

    1. Set a bench to a 45-degree angle.
    2. Lay on the bench, holding an EZ bar straight up towards the ceiling with a close grip.
    3. Bend your elbows until the EZ bar is about 2 inches from the top of your forehead.
    4. Without allowing your elbows to push forward, straighten out your arms until you’re back to the starting position.

    10. Cable Tricep Pushdown

    This exercise is known to be a high-volume exercise. In this, you will need a cable machine and a triangle attachment. This tricep isolation exercise has many variations. However, the most common of all will be the main focus here.

    How To Do It

    1. Set the cable to the top.
    2. Attach the triangle attachment.
    3. Place your hands on either side of the triangle with the edge of your hand at the ends.
    4. Pull your elbows down to your side without straightening your arms.
    5. While keeping your elbows by your side, push your hands down towards the ground until your arms are straight.
    6. Once you hit the bottom of this movement (straight arms), allow the weight to pull your hands back toward your chest without letting your elbows move forward.
    7. Repeat without letting your elbows move away from your body.

    11. Dumbbell Tricep Kickbacks

    This is one of the best tricep exercises for the long head. This is because of the angle of the shoulder. By being in a bent-over position, you force the long head of the triceps to help stabilize the shoulder. In addition to this, it also helps straighten the arm. This is known to be a lightweight, moderate to high-volume exercise.

    How To Do It

    1. Grab a light dumbbell and something to lean against.
    2. Set yourself up somewhere between 45 degrees and parallel to the ground.
    3. To get into this position, stagger your feet, hinge back, and lean into a bench or dumbbell rack.
    4. While keeping your back flat, pull your arm back as if you were doing a single-arm dumbbell row.
    5. Hold this position.
    6. While in this position, straighten your arm by squeezing your triceps until your arm is completely straight.
    7. While still squeezing your triceps, slowly allow your hand to travel back to the starting position.


    Thus, these are the tricep workouts you must be investing in sincerely. These tricep exercises are the best and will help you get the strongest arms of all.


    Are long head tricep exercises good?

    Ans: Yes. They are the best.

    Can any exercise be done to improve tricep muscles?

    Ans: To increase your tricep muscles, you have to indulge in tricep exercises.


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