Best Credit Cards to Buy
The best credit card to have for any purpose like traveling, for students, and more may vary according to many factors. The definition of best credit cards to buy may differ as per the expenditure structure of an individual, on what sector one spends most, and if an individual prefers handling multiple credit cards at once. Choosing the best credit card offers that would earn you maximum rewards while keeping in mind your expense patterns is the key.
Cards can serve multiple purposes. Some use cash-back credit cards to buy from supermarkets and retail outlets while simultaneously maintaining one or two for traveling and vacations. The best credit cards to buy can be classed according to each of their target areas. The cards listed below also come with numerous additional benefits and can be effective ways of money-saving.
Cards with Zero Annual Fees
One of the best credit cards with zero annual fees happens to be Blue Cash Everyday Card from American Express, offering a 3% cash-back in supermarkets across The States. It also provides a 2% Cash-back at US Gas Stations, making it a competitor for The Best Credit Card for Fuel title. Moreover, one can earn up to 20% back on purchases from in the first six months. Minimal to zero annual fees can come in handy as they are equipped with better value and more benefits in the long run, making them great credit cards to buy.
Start Early, Choose Wisely
The Capital One Quicksilver Cash Rewards Card with 1.5% cash-back on every purchase happens to be a great credit card for 18-year-olds and youngsters who are just getting acquainted with whereabouts. This, too, comes with no annual fee options. The Discover it Student Cash Back card is also one of the best credit cards for youngsters applying for their first cards. It guarantees a 5% cash-back on everyday purchases at different places each quarter and 1% cash-back on all other purchases automatically.
Fuel up
However, the best credit card for fuelling purposes undoubtedly happens to be the Costco Anywhere Visa Card by Citi. It comes with a cash-back amounting to 4% on all the eligible gas stations for the first $700o per year and 1% after that.
In conclusion, a plethora of options to choose from can prove to be confusing. A little knowledge of the benefits that come with a particular card, the return credits could help an individual narrow down on the best credit card to buy, specifically designed for their lifestyle.
However, it is also essential to practice responsible customer behavior by avoiding overspending, debts, and practicing balance paying off on time, in full amounts.
Further Reading