Fresh data is data that is current, usable, and valuable right now. Data freshness refers to always available and up-to-date data whose sources can be tracked and evaluated in real-time to produce actionable results.
Fresh Data Must Have the Following Components:
Data integration – The capacity to integrate and combine data from numerous sources into consistent, complete, current, and accurate information for corporate reporting and analysis.
Consistency – It is a guarantee that if any data instances across the company need to be updated, they will be done automatically.
Data context – It’s a network of linked data points relating to a single data point. Gathering context from external sources can give helpful information about events important to the company in business analytics.
Data life cycle management – It’s a policy-based method to regulate the flow of data in an information system throughout its life cycle, from creation to initial storage to deletion.
What is Data Freshness?
The term “data freshness” refers to the current information and assures that no adversary is replaying outdated messages. Data freshness is divided into two types: weak freshness, which gives partial message ordering but no delay information, and strong freshness, which provides a complete order on a request-response pair and enables delay estimates.
Manage Data Freshness:
Caching data is faster than obtaining it straight from the data collection, and it can help minimize the number of queries issued, lowering paid data access costs. The speed at which a report loads is known as report performance.
How the Cache Works?
In a data studio data freshness report, each component has its cache. Only the data required to build the component’s default visualization is stored in that cache daily. If a query in a report component matches one that has already been received, the new data request is delivered from the cache. Data Studio requests data from the underlying data collection if the request can’t be fulfilled via the cache. The new query’s results are saved in the table’s cache daily, and Data Studio remembers them for future usage.
All previously cached data and remembered searches are destroyed when the cache refresh occurs. New queries created by report components are sent directly to the underlying platform, and the replies are stored in the component’s cache.
Manually Refresh Often the Report Data:
The cache refresh can be performed at any moment by the report editor in Data Studio:
- View or make changes to the report.
- Select the Triple Vertical Dots option at the upper right. Then select data refresh.
This clears the cache for any data sources that have been added to the report.
Improved data freshness reduces the period between user interactions and your ability to evaluate them. This lets you comprehend the impact of analytics setup changes or new site designs in minutes.