If you have just brought in a fluffy new friend to your home, then you likely may be wondering, “ is pet insurance worth it”?
To be frank, that is a question that you will ultimately have to answer for yourself. But what we can help you with is understanding if you think it is right for you.
There is no natural way to predict what will happen in the future, especially in terms of accidents and illness. This does not just go for you, but for your pet too,
So put yourself in this scenario. Your pet suddenly gets sick, and you need to make an emergency visit to the veterinarian. They can get your pet back on track towards good health, but you are slammed with a $3,000 medical bill. If you do not have pet insurance, you will need to find a way to pay all of that out of pocket.
But if you have pet insurance, you could be reimbursed 90% of that bill! That is a huge game-changer and reason enough to consider signing up for a pet insurance policy.
It often has the knowledge and understanding to figure out if pet insurance is correct for you, your pet, and your unique situation. All pets have uncertainties, and no matter how careful you are as a pet owner, they will also be prone to accidents.
So to help you find the right pet insurance that could be the best option for you and your furry friend, we’ve gathered all the top advice from veterinarians who are the true experts on pet health care and have seen firsthand the pros and cons of pet owners having or not having pet insurance.
Pet Care is Expensive
We get it; caring for a pet is equally a financial undertaking. Most pet parents will spend at least $1,000 on toys, food, and treats for their pet per year. In addition to that, many other one-off purchases such as traveling crates or a bed will rack up another $1,000 or more.
Then, there are the routine checkups that you need to take your pet to regardless of whether or not they are insured, including those necessary vaccinations to keep them healthy.
This excludes all the unexpected financial costs for when your pet needs emergency health care or needs special wellness treatment. Even if you think your pet is healthy, the national average is that actually, 1 in every three pets needs medical treatment every single year.
Add all these costs up, and you need to pay for a lot when it comes to your pet. But that could significantly go down if you could get 90% of your medical bills reimbursed and vaccinations and wellness treatments if that is something your plan also covers.
Consider it a Guaranteed Savings Account
Many pet owners tend to argue that they will simply put the money their pet will cost them aside in a savings account rather than pay for a pet insurance premium monthly. But more than half of Americans do not even have $1,000 in their emergency funds. When the unexpected happens to their pet, they may go into debt over it if they do not have the right pet insurance coverage.
Getting Basic Pet Insurance Coverage
So if you want to ensure your bank account does not get wiped from one medical incident with your pet, signing up for even the most basic pet insurance coverage can be extremely helpful and an absolute lifesaver.
When the unexpected happens, you can take your pet to any veterinarian in North America and know that you will get reimbursed when the bill comes your way. The premium payments are super affordable and kick in 14 days after your policy begins.
Plus, you have many options to enhance your coverage too. This includes tagging on a wellness option to get your pet access to wellness treatments to prevent them from getting sick.
The best policies will welcome any pet of any age, meaning that there is no discrimination faced at all. So there is no excuse not to have pet insurance, as it is pretty much guaranteed that the suitable insurance companies will welcome your furry friend in with open arms.
Compare and Commit
Of course, you should always do your due diligence and compare multiple coverage plans before committing. That way, you can compare the details, and you can have peace of mind that your pet is getting the best coverage and support possible—and that you are being supported financially in the best possible way.
So to answer the question of this article–yes, pet insurance is necessary, and it is easy to find an excellent policy that supports both you and your pet.