Do you know that you can invite pest problems when decorating your home? When decorating a home, people use different themes, materials, and patterns. While you may be decorating your homes, some decorations invite pests into the home. Here are some décor choices that invite pests as well as possible ways to mitigate them.
- Pests love some plants, trees, and flowers
- Decorative items such as Halloween squashes and gourds bring pets
- Your Christmas trees may invite wood-chewer pests such as termites
- Sprucing your yard with lots of garden beds, tree shades, and tropical greens bring in mosquitoes
- Snakes love tall grasses and shady shrubs
Dark-color themes invite bed bugs; consider hiring a pest control company because bed bugs can comfortably hide without being detected.
- Light colors invite ants, cockroaches, and carpet beetles
- Too much wood in the home invites wood-boring pests such as termites
- Leaving cracks and passages in your home’s perimeter
How Can You Decorate Your Home Without Inviting Pests
People decorate their homes for different reasons. Sometimes, it could be due to the season (such as Christmas and Easter Holidays), while in other instances, they are permanent decorations. While some decorations natural and smell great, they invite pests, and this can be unsettling to you and the occupants of the particular premise. In this section, we help you know how you can decorate your home without bringing in pests in the home.
Be Careful when Decorating Trees and Wreath Decorations
During seasons such as Christmas, most people use trees to hang their décor. While these trees are beautiful to look at, smell, and take photographs with, they often come with thousands of insects. Before you can get them into your home, ensure that you have them checked for pests. In most cases, farms use pesticides on the trees to eliminate bugs and insects. In order to eliminate any trace of the insects, you can shake the trees off and remove all the tiny insects that could be lodged in the tree.
Unpack all Your Holiday Items Outside
How long have you stored your holiday items? In most cases, people purchase decorations, use them for the special event, and take them down after a few days. Even when you store them in an airtight container, the holiday items may contain pests. Rodents such as mice and rats could access your storage area and cause an infestation. To avoid this, you need to unpack all your holiday items outside before bringing them into the home. Wash the containers and wipe them dry before bringing them into your house.
Clean Your Decoration Fabrics Before Hanging
When using fabric decorations such as stockings, tablecloths, and blankets, it is crucial that you first clean them. While they may look clean, they may have offered a convenient place for pests during storage. Before you set your clothes and fabrics, you should thoroughly wash them and leave them to dry before using them.
Inspect Your Lighting Décor for Spiders and Other Crawling Insects
Crawling insects such as spiders love hanging on lighting fixtures. Some of them will fancy the light and get active when lights are switched on. Looking at holiday lights, you realize that they are wiry and give the pests a perfect place to build webs and infest. When putting up your lighting décor and fixtures, you need to wipe them well to get rid of the dust and spider breeding areas.
Steer Away from Tasty Decorations
Parties are beautiful and require a lot of preparation. The decorations may differ from one party to another depending on the audience. If you have a children’s party, tasty decorations such as gingerbread houses and scented candles will feature. While they are beautiful, taste good, and make the event fruitful, they often invite insects and pests. In order to avoid all the misfortunes, you should put out the flames and clean the areas after removing the gingerbread houses.
Contact a Reputable Pest control Company
Get in touch with a good pest management company like NJ Pest Control. They have all the required experience and knowledge on how to make your home beautiful and pest-free. Besides the expertise, they also use the right chemicals and tools for the elimination process. Call them today and schedule your pest extermination appointment.