The internet has constantly been evolving, and now we are entering the era of Web 3.0. It’s all about distributed ledgers, cryptocurrencies, NFTs (non-fungible tokens), artificial intelligence (AI), metaverses, and IoT (internet of things). The new era of digital connectivity dominated by VR (virtual reality) and super-speed digital connectivity constitutes the Metaverse or the new avatar of the internet which will impact significantly impact e-commerce. Consequently, it will change the traditional ways of wealth building by using virtual assets as investors must learn how to invest in the Metaverse, focusing on virtual assets for building wealth.
Decentralization is at the Core of the Metaverse
When looking into the ways to build sustainable wealth in the Metaverse play, investors would discover that they have to deal with a decentralized system. All types of transactions, from investments to contracts, will now happen through distributed ledgers which are like open books but ensure complete transparency. No third-party involvement is necessary for undertaking financial transactions. Investing in Metaverse would mean direct transactions between the parties, as happens when trading in cryptocurrencies. Investors must position themselves in the new internet era and learn the ways to build wealth in the long term by identifying the investment opportunities.
Here are some investment ideas in the new world of Metaverse.
Virtual Real Estate
Real estate would remain reliable for wealth building in the long term, but the investments would now flow toward virtual real estate. Besides understanding the Metaverse, investors must also learn about virtual real estate. The concept of virtual real estate already existed and referred to online publications and websites only. But in the new-age internet era, real estate refers to ‘space’ and not any ‘property’. It’s interesting that some traditional concepts like advertising, retail shops, lounges, rent prices, and more could nicely blend into the Metaverse. Specific spaces will be developed and adapted to ensure a specific VR experience. But the assets are without any tangible elements like building, electricity, and maintenance costs.
Direct Investment
Investing in cryptocurrencies can help build enormous wealth very fast. However, you need to time it right by waiting for a market dip and then choosing cryptocurrencies with medium to long-term potential. For example, you can select between Ethereum, Solana, Polygon, and Ankr, which are massive projects with solid backing. Consider the long-term viability of the projects before putting in your money.
Service Businesses
Since most people cannot comprehend the dimensions and implications of the new virtual world for conducting business, they need advice about the new business models. The faster you learn about the Metaverse, the higher the opportunities of earning by sharing the knowledge and helping companies eager to enter the virtual space. It does not mean you need to define Metaverse to people. But instead, you can start a consultancy and PR business to help traditional companies enter the Metaverse and adopt a suitable business model.
Besides the architectures mentioned above, there are numerous other ways of investing in the Metaverse for wealth creation. Investing in NFTs across various platforms is a good option.