How To Improve Your Packaging Design Through Custom Stickers And Labels?

    Packaging design can be tricky. How can you ensure that your product’s appearance mirrors the excellent quality of your products? Can you somehow indicate the care you put into your business on your packaging? And how can you best go about this as a small business?

    Look no further. We have everything you need to improve your product’s packaging, no matter the size of your business, your budget, or the industry you are working in. While there is no one-fits-all solution for product packaging, there is a secret weapon you can use custom stickers and labels.

    This article will introduce you to three ways using stickers and labels can help you improve your product packaging, save money, and retain your customers by creating a memorable brand experience. Sounds good, doesn’t it? Then let’s jump straight in.

    1. Find the suitable material 

    We are not talking about your standard middle-of-the-road product when we speak of custom stickers and labels. The beauty of this is that you are in complete creative control, and custom stickers mean that you can choose your ideal size, shape, quantity, and, most importantly, material.

    There are many ways to create custom vinyl stickers that match your business needs and values. These reach your standard white material to effects like metallic, transparent, silver, gold, or even fluorescent. 

    This choice means that you can create stickers that will represent your brand. Do you sell luxurious candles? Then pick silver or metallic material that embodies the premium quality of your products. Is your brand all about sustainability? Have a look at the many biodegradable and eco-friendly materials on offer to share this value with your customers.

    2. Switch it up 

    No matter what material you are going for, one of the factors for successful product packaging is a novelty. Switch up your designs and materials regularly to sustain the wow-effect of your products and keep your customers interested.

    This might sound like a lot of work, and it can be. But with stickers, you are already one step ahead. You do not have to reprint your packaging materials. Instead, you simply reach out to your sticker printer and order a new set of stickers – maybe you even try a different material to highlight a new product range?

    You can quickly action seasonal or time-sensitive promotions with custom stickers and labels and add value to your packaging in record time. You can even support a local charity or a cause you are passionate about by creating awareness using stickers on your product packaging.

    3. Speak to your customers

    Your customers are at the heart of everything you do and your business’s success. Show them some love during their purchasing journey. This is particularly essential if you are an e-commerce business, as the first physical interaction your customers have with your brand is likely when their order arrives.

    How can you ensure that your customers feel cared for and appreciated even beyond the point of purchase? Including well-intended, funny, and caring messages in their unboxing experience is a step every customer has to complete.

    This can be very simple. Do you use boxes to ship your products? Then invest in a custom label that doubles as a packaging seal. Use this space to print a welcoming message to greet your customers before they even open their orders.

    You can even take this further and hide fun facts or a discount code within your shipping boxes or at the bottom of your product, encouraging a repeat purchase when the product has been used up.

    You see, there are no limits to your creativity when working with custom stickers and labels. Are you ready to incorporate them into your product packaging? We hope so and cannot wait to see your next creation. Please feel free to share your experience and results in the comments below.


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