A limited liability company (LLC) is an advantageous entity for entrepreneurs who wish to establish their small business without hassles and difficulties during the formation process. LLCs are popular, especially in states such as Wyoming, which provide unique opportunities related to asset protection and overall flexibility. For this reason, Wyoming constantly ranks in the top 5 states to start a new LLC.
When starting an LLC, new business owners need to be aware of specific rules and regulations that need to be followed to ensure an official and smooth establishment procedure that will set entrepreneurs on a new and exciting business path.
One of the main requirements of an LLC is the need for a registered agent. One can come from the LLC itself, or one must be hired from a professional service. Registered agents are one of the key components for ensuring the initial success and growth of the LLCs. Entrepreneurs who are starting a new business need to carefully and thoroughly examine their options to select the best possible registered agent for their business.
What is a registered agent?
This is an individual or entity that handles many different responsibilities on behalf of the LLC. Registered agents act as a point of communication and a physical presence for the business regarding legal matters. Their responsibilities include the handling of documents such as :
- Tax Forms
- Government Notices
- Legal Documents
Some of the best-registered agents go above and beyond the standard expectations to provide further organization to the LLC as a whole. Registered agents report directly to the LLC members, and they send through all of the essential documents related to the business.
The benefits of a registered agent
Registered agents are mandatory for a reason, and they are not just there to make an LLC seem more formal and professional. They serve a vital purpose that can help a small business succeed on a long journey.
The benefits are even clearer if an LLC decides to hire a professional service such as Wyoming Trust & LLC Attorney. These LLC registered agents work hard and dedicate themselves to the needs and wants of the business.
More flexibility for LLC members
If LLC members decide to hire a professional entity to provide registered agent services, then the LLC members have more time to manage other important business aspects and duties.
A registered agent needs to be available during standard business hours from Monday to Friday at one physical address, and by having somebody outside the LLC responsible for this, LLC members have more time to work at the business, run out and complete errands and attend meetings as they will not be restricted to one specific spot for an entire day.
The LLC can continue to grow while the registered agent deals with the important legal matters that are vital to the maintenance of a business.
Privacy is created
A registered agent must provide a physical address that will be available to the public. By having a registered agent do this, LLC members can ensure privacy as they will not need to give out their address. Even more privacy is ensured for an LLC that operates solely online and has no physical business address.
Furthermore, if an LLC member is elected as a personal agent, that means that lawsuits and other important notices that should preferably be private could be delivered at a place of work in the open, where customers can witness everything. Being delivered a lawsuit in public is never good for the image of the business, and this can be avoided by electing an external registered agent.
Reduces overall stress
At the end of the day, no business enjoys dealing with the formalities of government regulations and legal notices. Electing a registered agent to professionally organize and streamline the entire process provides much peace of mind to LLC members.
If an LLC follows all of the rules and tread the regulatory lines carefully, then members will have nothing to worry about and the small business can successfully grow at a rapid and impressive rate
Final thoughts
Registered Agents work behind the scenes to improve the business’s image and keep the LLC and its members afloat by cooperating with laws and regulations and organizing essential documents that need to be addressed. Entrepreneurs need to take time to pick the perfect registered agent for their business so that the LLC can grow and develop.