Many things that seemed a figment of imagination some years ago have become true in the digital age. Libraries of books that were static have now become compact and mobile. One of the most glaring examples is the introduction of Kindle ebooks and portable e-readers like Kindle from Amazon, allowing you to carry a library in your pocket. No more do you need to carry thick, heavy books with you to satiate your hunger for reading whenever you want. You can pack numerous ebooks in a small device like Kindle and enjoy uninterrupted reading anywhere, anytime. Moreover, ebooks are cheaper than printed books. The most attractive aspect of book lovers is their book-holding capacity, which ensures book lovers never run out of reading material. But how many books can a 8GB Kindle hold?
How Many Books Can a 8GB Kindle Hold?
The number of books that kindle can hold varies according to its storage capacity. The storage capacity of the Kindle, introduced in 2007, has gone up with time, and it is fair to assume that a 4GB Kindle can hold approximately 1000 books. Based on the estimation, it is easy to determine how many books fit on an 8GB kindle. The method is suitable for some rough estimates with average length, and the actual number can vary. According to the figures available, the 8GB Kindle Can Hold 3100 Books, And The Number Goes Up Enormously To 15,100 Books For 32GB Kindle.
How to Estimate the Number of Books that Kindle can Hold?
The amount of storage space available on Kindle determines how many books you can fit on a Kindle by assuming some standard or average book size. The available storage space is always much lesser than the declared storage space, even if you do not store a single book on the device. The device uses considerable storage space for its operation system, while the remaining is available for storing Kindle ebooks. You can assume that the device uses almost 2GB of space for its operating system. For example, Kindle Paperwhite owners have only 6.23 GB of usable storage space against the declared 8G. But still, it’s a lot of room to accommodate at least a thousand ebooks.
Consider the Book Size
Another method to determine how many books fit on 8GB kindle is to focus on the book size and compare it with the available storage space to determine the number of books the device can hold. As a thumb rule, you can assume that an average ebook file size is 2MB. As you know the available storage space, a simple calculation of dividing the storage space by the file size will show the number of boos the device can hold.
Going by this method, the most straightforward answer to how many books can a 8GB Kindle hold is 3,115 books. Indeed, the number is debatable because of too many variables that can alter the number. However, it’s undeniable that the Kindle can hold plenty of books for endless reading pleasure.