If you want to sign a PDF online, it’s easy. Simply follow these steps to create a digital signature and add it to your document:
Step 1: Open the PDF file
You must first have the file open in your PDF reader or editor to sign a PDF. You can find a PDF document to sign by:
- Using a browser to access the Internet and visit the website where you found this information.
- Using an email application to send an email message to yourself containing the URL of this information.
- Using a desktop publishing application such as Adobe InDesign or Microsoft Word to create your documents in PDF format.
Step 2: Create eSignature with the right tool
A digital signature is created at the time of signing the document. It is a process where you can sign a document using your details and get it verified online by a third party like VeriSign or DocuSign. The method used to create an electronic signature differs from vendor to vendor.
You need to use the right tool to create and request signature electronically, as some of them have specific features and benefits that make them stand out.
For instance, SignNow is a web-based application that allows users to sign documents electronically using their mobile device, tablet, or computer by dragging their finger on the screen (fingerprint authentication) or typing in a PIN code with keyboard keys.
Step 3: Add signature to PDF online
All you need to do is add your signature to the PDF document and then save it. Here are the steps below:
- Go to the website where you want to add your signatures, such as Dropbox or Google Drive.
- Upload a PDF file and open it with your browser once uploaded (you can also upload a Word document instead of creating one from scratch).
- Click on Tools > Digital Signature > Add Signature in Chrome or File > Properties in Firefox or Internet Explorer if using these browsers for this process instead of Chrome/Firefox, respectively.
Step 4: Share signed document with others
As per the professionals at Adobe Acrobat, “You can share a signed document with others in many ways.” For example, if the document is stored on your computer, you can send it via email or save it to a cloud storage service like Dropbox or Google Drive. If the document was signed using Windows Live SkyDrive, you can share it publicly and let anyone view and edit it.
There are also some other methods available if you want to share a signed PDF file with someone who doesn’t have an account at Adobe Sign or Acrobat Pro:
- Send them an email invite from within Adobe Sign (this will prompt them to create an account)
- Create an online meeting invitation that includes all participants’ email addresses (this will allow participants without accounts at Adobe Sign or Acrobat Pro to join the meeting)
So there you have it! You now know how to sign a PDF and share it with others.
Further Reading