Google IoT Solutions : The Ultimate Review

    Google IoT Cloud’s platform is Google Cloud IoT Core which is one of the notable IoT platforms from the other IoT platforms, which securely connects and manages the IoT devices sitting at the IoT edge. It receives data from connected devices building rich applications, which can be further integrated into the IoT Cloud of Google.

    The IoT cloud of Google charges per MB of data exchanged by the devices after a 250MB free tier.

    Now let us take a quick view of the benefits Google IoT provides.

    arduino internet of thingsGoogle IoT cloud provides real-time data insights at the IoT Edge or the IoT cloud. It also does ‘ad hoc’ analysis with the help of BigQuery, and similarly does advanced analytics, ML by AI Platform, and Google Data studio result visualization.


    Google IoT cloud provides improved operational efficiency by supporting numerous OS working impeccably with Debian Linux OS offering out-of-box provision for the leading brands. Additionally, location can be added to our IoT data and their location activity can be visualized with the help of Google Maps Platform.

    Importance of Google Cloud Internet of things platform on Businesses

    Now let us discuss how the Google Cloud Internet of things platform helps businesses gain revenue and intelligence.

    As you all know IOT helps businesses gain new revenue and intelligence.

    iot growth

    • Google IoT provides a wide range of IoT building blocks from ingestion to intelligence. 
    • Google’s Internet of Things platform automatically predicts maintenance of needs for various equipment, optimizing real-life performance, anomaly detection, and device tracking status. 
    • Tracking of real-time valuable assets, performing complex analytics, and ML on the collected data to deliver business insights.
    • Fleet management, cargo integrity monitoring, inventory tracking, and many other business-critical functions can be performed with Google IoT Cloud’s logistics solutions.
    • Building smart cities and homes with automation and intelligence.

    Along with IoT growth businesses are growing.

    Features of Cloud IoT Core

    Now we will tell you some other features and components of Cloud IoT Core.

    iot engineer

    • Cloud IoT Core has a device manager that configures and manages individual devices sitting at IoT edge securely in a coarse-grained way or the managing part can be done programmatically also from the console. 
    • The Cloud IoT Core uses industry-standard MQTT and HTTP protocols. The protocol bridge basically provides connection endpoints with automatic load balancing. 
    • Using gateway resource-constrained devices can get operational capabilities. As a gateway can work on behalf of the device.
    • Asymmetric key authentication enables end-to-end security over TLS 1.2. To verify device ownership CA certificates are used.

    internet of things growth

    • To control devices and data, devise registries receive IAM roles.
    • REST APIs can be used for automatically managing the registration, operation of devices, and deployment at scale.
    • MQTT enables high frequency and low latency communication.
    • All devices and gateways in the IoT cloud are managed by MQTT and HTTP protocols as a single global system.
    • The service of IoT cloud is serverless doesn’t require software installation and scales instantly without limits.

    Hence, Google IoT provides some features helping in IoT growth on one hand and businesses on the other. Additionally, try out the free tier to build some apps and deploy them on the IoT cloud. Google Home Mini is one notable Google IoT device.



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