Experts might be of the opinion that you need not spend a fortune on AdWords to get the best returns from your pay-per-click advertising. However, experience says that even if you keep aside a small budget for your daily campaign that will ensure that you have the right people clicking the right links when you receive traffic.
What is the Google AdWords campaign?
An ad campaign that takes place within a Google AdWords campaign login account is called an AdWords campaign. There are many groups in one AdWords campaign. And these different groups correspond to words typed in by the visitor in the Google search engine. Groupings include aspects like type of product, geography, and device segmentation.
This can be better understood with the help of an example. For instance, if you have a furniture store and you have different products for sale, you can as well choose to have different ad campaigns for every product you sell.
How to set up a Google AdWords campaign?
The success of your campaign will depend on whether or not your ads are reaching the right people. Aside from this, you should also make sure that you do not have to shell out a fortune for the keywords you have selected that do not seem to be promising.
One of the best ways to zero-in on the right set of keywords is to “mine the website traffic and check for conversion data and search queries” and then act accordingly. If you use these very terms while setting up a Google AdWords campaign, you are sure to get better results. What are the benefits of doing so?
Let us find out in the points below-
- You are sure to get qualified traffic
- You will enjoy a lower CPC or cost per click
- Quality score will remarkably improve
- Improved paid search engine rankings
- Higher CTR or click-through rate
You must be on your toes always for the Google AdWords campaign.
Regardless of the Google AdWords campaign types that you are counting upon or aiming at, remember, Google AdWords campaign management and maintenance require constant revision and upgrade.
It is not that you draw up a marketing plan and leave it right there and wait for it to work. You have to constantly revise your course of action keeping in mind the dynamic nature of the search engine behavior and requirements. Search engine optimization is a continuous process and PPC requires your constant attention and nurturing.
Hence, these are the areas that will require continued update-
- Grouping keywords
- Keyword research
- Keyword data analysis
- Removing keywords that are not effective
- Revising AdWords bidding with the help of a bidding tool
- Creating landing pages that will complement your PPC ads.
- Prioritizing landing pages for the same purpose above.
How to run a Google AdWords campaign- What are the strategies you must adopt?
Check out these tips for the same.
1. Clarify your objective
According to Michael Ortner, CEO of Capterra, a platform that bridges the gap between the sellers and buyers that deal with a business application is of the opinion that “The most important part of any SEM {search engine marketing} campaign is to have a clear goal in mind. The point of almost any AdWords campaign should be to grow sales, as opposed to merely generating brand awareness (which is more difficult to measure)”.
2. Keep in mind your target audience when you write the ads
According to Alexa Talpau, the director of Online Marketing, Webs9, and an internet firm, when “writing ads, follow the AIDAS principle of advertising”. This means that you have to make sure that the advertisement that you put up will “attract the attention of your audience, raise customer Interest, convince customers that they Desire your product, lead customers towards taking Action (include a call-to-action) and [provide] Satisfaction if they end up choosing your website”.
3. Do not misguide clients
According to Alexa Talpau, director of Online Marketing at Webs9, “Your ads need to be entirely accurate for the landing page advertised. Your top targeted keywords should be used in the content included on that landing page and in the ad’s text. Don’t mislead your audience! Make sure that each ad group is entirely relevant for the landing page you’re promoting and [that] it’s only being displayed for relevant queries”.
4. Conversion tracking
According to Jason Otter, senior SEM Manager at PCG Digital Marketing, “Being able to see what keywords are triggering a sale or a lead is huge in bid management and optimizing the account to increase ROI”.
The same sentiment has been agreed upon by Brent Curry, the CEO & Principal at Lodestone Generation which specializes in SEM or search engine marketing. According to him, “Setting up conversion tracking is critical. For your business a conversion may be a purchase, a sign-up or a lead. It is the action or actions that you want your visitors to take on the website”.
5. Using Google’s Remarketing feature helps
According to Christopher S.Penn, vice president, Marketing Technology at SHIFT Communications, “Don’t neglect Google’s Remarketing option. As long as you’ve configured it correctly in Google Analytics, Smart Lists leverages Google’s big data capabilities to track who has visited your website by any means (including AdWords campaigns), and identifies who is statistically most likely to convert”.
Regardless of the Google AdWords campaign cost you have set a budget for following the fundamentals is the best way to surge ahead in your Google AdWords campaign.