Planning an event can be full of complexities, unforeseen obstacles, and last-minute adjustments.
Overcoming all of these hurdles and putting on a successful event that attendees adore is an admirable undertaking.
To save you some of the hassle associated with planning an event, we’ve identified some of the things even experienced event planners have a tendency to overlook.
From the practical components that a venue simply must have to the most effective and efficient ways to generate brand awareness, there is an abundance of things to manage and take care of.
This piece highlights some of the most important priorities you need to consider.
Choosing the right venue
Picking a venue that has everything your attendees need should be your priority.
It’s easy to get caught up in some of the glossier aspects of certain potential venues. Ultimately, you have to gauge what your attendees are going to need and select a venue that provides everything they require.
If it is an all-day event, attendees are going to get hungry and thirsty – that is an inevitability. If that is the case, you need to ensure that your venue has the ability to cater to all of your guests. That also has a knock-on effect on the price you charge. If they’re expecting food and drink to be included, then there needs to be a commensurate rise in the ticket price.
You have to be able to manage expectations.
You can’t overlook the need for toilets. You’ll need to find a venue with suitable facilities. For outdoor events, that might mean hiring portable toilets.
Transport links
If you’re planning a large-scale event that has guests traveling from miles and miles away, you have to be sure that your location is accessible.
If there is a paucity of reliable and convenient transport links, you might want to consider how this could affect numbers. Anyone who doesn’t have access to a car could be unable to attend.
Ideally, you want to choose somewhere that is nearby to train stations, bus stops, and taxi ranks. That way, anyone can attend regardless of their ability to drive or their willingness to spend funds on travel.
Backup plans
Particularly in a post-covid world, you need to be cognizant of how quickly circumstances can change. It is incredibly naïve to go into the event expecting it to go exactly as planned.
Contact tracing means a member of your catering staff can be forced to go into isolation through no fault of their own.
That is why it is essential to have a contingency plan. Having alternative means of providing for your guests in the event of an emergency like this can save your entire event.
Similarly, if a guest speaker cancels at the last minute, you need to be able to adapt your plans to provide something else in their wake.
Marketing your event
An event can only be a success if there are visitors there to attend.
Savvy event planners have to be able to use different marketing channels to their advantage to generate awareness of their event.
By taking the time to study their target market and gather enough intel to paint a realistic and comprehensive portrait of their likes and dislikes, you can imbue your marketing efforts with messaging that is tailor-made to appeal.
You can also select the channels that are most likely to attract your target market.
Sending out a targeted email is a great way to garner interest in your event.