Reports have been speculating for a few days that Elon Musk will charge a few dollars for users who want to verify their account and keep the blue tick beside the profile name intact. Musk has finally confirmed that the news was not baseless. Though initial reports suggested the monthly charge for Twitter account verification would be $20-$25, it is low as much. Elon Musk announced that a user willing to get his Twitter account verified would have to pay $8 a month.
Move Sparked Criticisms
Many users, including celebs and other eminent brands and personalities, could only accept Musk’s Twitter takeover after the initial talks started, and some even left the platform. After Elon Musk revealed his plans regarding Twitter verification, criticisms have reached a new level.
Elon Musk on November 1 tweeted about the move; since then, eminent authors, entrepreneurs, and sportspeople have expressed their outrage on the platform.
Who Said What?
Famous author Stephen King, who enjoys as many as around seven million followers, tweeted protesting against the move earlier when reports came out that users will need to pay $20 per month to verify their Twitter accounts. He wrote, expressing his annoyance that Twitter authorities should instead pay him. Musk, however, replied to King, saying he needs to pay the bills in any way.
Former tennis star Alexandr Dolgopolov wrote on Twitter that he is unwilling to pay even $1 for having the blue checkmark on his profile.
Jason Calacanis, an entrepreneur, created a poll and wanted the opinions of Twitter users on making the blue tick a payable system. Most users reacted against the decision.
American video game designer Jordan Mechner said he wouldn’t pay anything for the blue checkmark.
All of them stuck to the fact that it is not about the money but the principles.