Not many things are able to retain their full potentiality when blended together. May be Simon and Garfunkel in the realm of music. However, when it comes practising yoga, kundalini is definitely an exception. Kundalini awakening refers to the activating and channelising the kundalini energy (energy of the universe) that exists within the human body. And in order to experience benefits of kundalini awakening, one needs to combine all the three forms – Bhakti yoga, Raja yoga and Shakti yoga.
What is Kundalini Yoga?
The term kundalini yoga derives from the root Sanskrit word kundal meaning coiled. According to ancient Vedic science, kundalini energy is at the base of the spine in an absolute dormant form. This energy can be activated through regular practice of yoga. It is through the practice of regular kundalini yoga that an individual can eventually experience kundalini awakening.
As an ancient yoga practice, kundalini focuses on yoga and postures along with meditation and chanting. Introduced into the western world, mainly United States, by Yogi Bhajan, it leads to a natural way of unfolding one’s highest life force or own/self-nature. The ultimate goal or biggest benefit of kundalini awakening is to increase one’s self-awareness by silencing the mind and unblocking all the existing chakras and allow all the vital energies to flow freely.
How does Kundalini awakening happen?
Kundalini awakening can happen either through a gradual process or suddenly due to a life event such as a major accident, sudden loss of a dear one or even undergoing a near-death experience. However, in case of the latter process, the individual undergoes body jitters and excessive shaking because of the sudden outflow of energies (once dormant) within the body. The reason why most experts refer Kundalini Yoga. It is like a snake shedding old skins and wrapping a new one.
Identifying Kundalini awakening signs
The process might be time-consuming, but it offers a way more positive experience. There are certain definite symptoms of kundalini awakening within an individual. While at times the process can be unnerving and traumatising for some—the end result is worth all the efforts.
Some of the signs of kundalini awakening are mentioned below:
A feeling that things are falling apart
A part of the kundalini awakening signs, the individual often feels certain similarities with a mid-life crisis. Old habits, relationships, family-ties, certain addictions, lifestyle, work and career – everything undergoes a near metamorphoses.
Physical and emotional signs
Some more definite symptoms of kundalini awakening comprise physical and emotional signs such as anxiety, depression and despair; or physical ones like visual disturbances, shaking of the body, inability to relax or even undergoing a near-death experience. Since the nervous system is often unable to handle the sudden outburst of energy, it starts showing up in several ways.
Increased sensitivity and empathy
One of the most vital symptoms of kundalini awakening is increased sensitivity towards others. One would often let go of one’s ego and become more empathetic towards other. And every action that an individual takes upon kundalini awakening is to prioritise one’s connection with the universe.
On a final note, it can be said that the kundalini awakening or the eighth chakra can be challenging at times. Hence guidance is essential of an expert is. In case one experiences the symptoms without prior indulgence in yoga, consulting a kundalini yoga expert is always advisable.