Over the past years, our Earth has experienced extreme weather patterns. This phenomenon is called climate change. These climatic changes have impacted both humans and animals. The human race is also on its COVID-19 recovery path. This disease has led to a worldwide pandemic.
Natural Calamities and Coronavirus Recovery
According to the mayors of Boston and New Orleans, the green infrastructure plays a vital role in COVID-19 recovery and surviving natural calamities.
New Orleans, this year encountered its most catastrophic hurricane since 2005. Frequent rainstorms also flooded its streets. Simultaneously, Boston confronted its driest and hottest summers on record in the same year.
Climatic changes lead to natural calamities that are hazardous to human life. Even as coronavirus recovery is taking place, the world still suffers from climate change.
Watch this video to know more about COVID-19 Recovery with Climatic Action
COVID-19 Recovery united with actions against Climatic changes
Mayors are now laying out a coronavirus recovery plan that also takes steps against climatic changes.
Green Jobs and measures for its development
Boston is creating career paths in green jobs for the low-income population. It will also ensure that the people most impacted by the climatic changes are those who benefit.
HUD Programs, developed under the Obama-Biden administration, is investing in a green jobs initiative by New Orleans. Additionally, it will provide workforce training for green jobs.
Hence, watch the video to know more!