Covid-19 Patients Developing Brain Fog: Finding The Reality

    People who have recovered from Covid-19 sometimes experience lingering difficulties in concentration, as well as headaches, anxiety, fatigue, or sleep disruptions. Brain Fog is one of those, so let us exactly break down what is Brain Fog.

    It may not be a medical condition but its symptoms can prevent you from concentrating, recalling memories, and can lead to mental fatigue. It is the inability to have a sharp memory or to lack a sharp focus.

    Watch the video to know more about Brain fog causes, symptoms and treatment –

    It’s best to confer with your doctor before you add any over-the-counter or herbal supplements or vitamins to your diet to make sure they won’t cause further problems or interact negatively with other medications you may already by taking. Sometimes lifestyle factors like diet, stress, or lack of sleep and exercise becomes the cause of it. Other times, it’s caused by an underlying health condition or is a side effect of a medication. Be proactive about adopting a brain-healthy lifestyle and managing your health and medications.No one cares about your brain as much as you!


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